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"I'm finished the floors mam"I whisper to Stacy.
"Well then look after Lilly and do everything she says"Stacy snaps.
"Yes mam"I say. She laughs and kicks me away. I walk to Lilly's room. I wait at her door. She snaps her fingers and I enter. I stand beside her bed.
"Kendall don't slouch"she screams. I stand up straight. She nods. I breathe heavily. I look down at my gray robes.
"Kendall polish all my shoes till they shine"she screams. I walk over to her closet and begin polishing her shoes.
"Mam, may I sit my legs hurt from standing for so long"I ask.
"Um you just spoke"Lilliana spat. I nod. "You can stand for talking". I nod. I continue shining her shoes.
"You are so ungrateful"Lilliana screams.
"How"I instantly scream. Lilliana sits up right and stares at me angrily.
"I give you clothes and food and shelter and all you do is complain"Lilliana screams. Stacy walks into the room.
"Kendall don't talk out of line"she screams. "and don't talk to my princess like that". I nod.
"Sorry mam"I whisper.
"No dinner"she screams. I nod. At dinner I carry Lilliana in. She snaps signalling me to sit. I kneel down and feed her. They ate pasta. My mouth watered. O have not ate for the past to days. After dinner Stacy picks me up and carried me to Lilly's room. She throws me in the cage. Lilliana walks in and laugh.
"Maybe you shouldn't of yelled at me and you would have eaten"She laughs. The bars of the cage hurt me. She walks over and holds out a ham and cheese sandwich. She dangles it in front of my face then pulls it away and takes a bite.
"Are you hungry Kendall"she laughs. I turn away and soon fall asleep.

I will take Order (Sequel To Royalty)Where stories live. Discover now