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I wake up to see Elliana next to me crying.
"Eli, what's wrong"I whisper.
"My life sucks"she cries. Lilliana instantly sits up from her bed.
"Do I hear talking and Elliana if you think your life sucks today I will make it suck more"Lilly screams. We both sit there in silence. She walks over and unlocks me. She stares at Elliana.
"Mom will unlock you out when she has chores"Lilly spits. I crawl out of my cage and stand up. I bath Lilliana and get her dressed. I walk out of the bathroom carrying Lilliana. We walk out to the hall to see Elliana sweeping. Lilliana snickers at her. We walk into the dining room and I feed her. After breakfast Elliana is still sweeping. I take Lilly to her room. I put her down on the bed.
"Come here Kendall"she laughs. I step forward.
"I have a mission for you."She laughs.

I will take Order (Sequel To Royalty)Where stories live. Discover now