Surprises for All

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I wake up. The metal bars dig into my back. I yawn. I redo my hair and then wait for lilly to wake up. Minutes tick by. I begin to get bored. Suddenly her sleepy eyes open. She instantly sits up and stares at me.
"Morning Kendall"she laughs.
"Good morning"I gulp. She laughs. She then turns on her phone and begins to play games. I sit quietly and wait for her to unlock the cage. My back is digging against its cold metal bars. I squirm uncomfortably. My teeth grind together and I squint my eyes in pain. I reposition my body. I look at Lilly who was grinning at me from behind her phone. I tighten my lips together. My fists clench into fists. She continues to grin. She finally gets up out of her bed and walks over to me. She unlocks me and opens the door. I immediately crawl out and stand up. She hands me a new grey robe.
"You may change robes and you must hand wash this one"she laughs.
"In front of you"I whisper.
"Its either that or nothing"she laughs. I slowly undress and then quickly throw the robe over my body. I place the old one in my cage. It will give me a bit of padding when I sleep. Lilliana snaps her fingers brining back my attention.
"Yes mam"I mutter under my breath.
"Um, I deserve fall attention"she snaps. I nod. She walks over to her cupboard and pulls out a large dress. I grab the dress. I kneel down and went to put her dress on.
"Ah ah ah, stand up I never said you could sit"she mumbles picking at her nails. I stand and put the dress on her. I then carry her to the dining room. I feed her and she demands I take her swimming. I change her into her bikini. We get to the pool and I stand by the edge as Lilliana swims around.
"Get in"she says turning to me. I hesitantly shake my head.
"GET IN"she screams.
"I don't have a change of clothes"I whisper.
"Kendall, freaking get in or no dinner"Stacy yells.  I dip my toe in followed by my legs. Soon my body is emerged into the water. Lilliana grabs onto my hands.
"Pull me around"she asks. I slowly walk around the pool as she kicks her feet. She does this till dinner. We get out of the pool for dinner. The afternoon air blows on my wet skin. Lilly is wrapped in a towel and I'm in a dripping wet grey robe with no towel. I carry her to the dining room. I stand behind Lilly at the table. Her mom places a plate of chips and chicken in front of her.
"Lilly, tonight Kendall will not feed her as I need to give the thing food"Stacy mumbles.
"Eli will feed me"Lilliana snaps.
"No I want"Elliana screams.
"Did you just say no to my daughter"Stacy yells at Elliana. She pulls a butcher knife out of her jacket and walks over to Yolanda. She stabs the knife into her heart.
"Mommy"Elliana screams. Stacy walks over to eli.
"You will be a slave just like Kendall"Stacy whispers. She picks up Elliana from her chair and throws her to the ground. She comes over and picks me up and throws me in the corner next to Elliana. She throws food on the floor.
"There's dinner"Stacy yells. I look over at Elliana.
"Are you ok"I whisper.
"No, I'm sorry for being mean to you and your friends"Elliana whispers back.
"Its fine"I say. We begin to eat. There's bits of chicken ham and bread. I divide the food evenly between us. We nibble on our food.
"OK new rules. Elliana will work and clean and Kendall will work for lilly"Stacy yells stating at us.
"Yes mam"Elliana says. She walks over and kicks Elliana.
"Shut up"she screams. I see the tears well up in her poor eyes. I shake my head. She can't cry or that will lead to punishment. Stacy exits the room. I continue eating the food of the ground. I make sure I don't miss a crumb of the food. Stacy suddenly walks in.
"Another cage has been placed in Lilly's room for Elliana."she shouts. She walks over to us and picks up Eli. I stay still. She exits the room with Eli. I stay still. I have to stay in the same room as Lilly. She sits there eating a large ice cream sundae. I stay completely still. I suddenly hear a high pitched squeal.
"Elliana"I whisper. I force back the tears. Lilly finishes her ice cream. She leaves the room and I quickly follow behind. I see Elliana on the floor scrubbing hard. She has bruises and cuts everywhere. Lilliana stands there laughing at her. I see her shocked face. She scrubs even harder. Lilly spits on the ground and walks off. I mouth sorry to her and follow behind lilly. I help her get changed into her pyjamas and read her a bedtime story. Elliana walks in and we are both thrown in our cages and they are locked up.
"Goodnight brats"she laughs. ..................
Did you guys expect that? I did a big update as I had school today and then I had dance this afternoon so big chapter for you all. I'm gonna start asking questions at the end of each of my chapters on some of my books. I doubt anyone will answer them but it will be good to get to know each other. The question is...
What movie can you watch over and over without getting sick of?
My answer is teen beach movie and pitch perfect and pretty much any movie with a soundtrack.
Love you guys and comment you answers.

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