Chapter 8.

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It was two days after that phone call,Kaylee hung up straight away. I swear, that sounded like Ben in the background. Oh, it's also been two days since Ben talked to me.

Alfie seems happy, with his 'girlfriend'. Although, I've never seen her. As stalker-ish as it sounds, I even looked on Alfie's Facebook friends. Not one 'May'.

I was currently sat in my room, watching YouTube videos. There is a YouTuber, Alfie Deyes. He seems very similar too my Alfie.

At that moment, Alf walked into my room. He shuffled over to my bed.

'April..' He started.


'I have a confession..I'm not sure how you will take it.' He said.

Shit,shit, shittery shit.



I was running. I don't know where, but I do know I can't forgive Alfie.

*One new message, Arsehole.*

Yes, I changed Ben's name on my phone. If he wont talk to me, he is an arsehole.

'Hey,can I talk to you please? Starbucks, hurry.' It read.

I changed direction, and headed for Starbucks.

Finally I was surrounded by the smell of Coffee, Tea and Hot Chocolate. I walked to the counter, and ordered a normal Hot chocolate. I waited, then collected it.

Ben was already here, he was sat in the middle of the room. At first I wondered why, then started too panic.

'April.' He said bluntly.

'Ben.' I said.

'So,how have you been?' He asked.


'So,I was wondering where we are.'

'What?' I asked in disbelief.

'What's our label? Are you boyfriend and girlfriend,are we only seeing each other, are we friends?'

Maybe it wasn't him at Kaylee's,oops.

'Its up to you,I don't mind.'

'Okay,April,will you be my girlfriend?' He asked.

I could tell it was a fake smile, it was so obvious. If he was going to use me, two can play at that game.

'Sure.' I said, with a tinge of regret.

'Cool,listen,I've got to go. I'll come to your house tonight.' He said.


He kissed my cheek, and left.

*Flashback too earlier that day*

Alf walked into my room. He shuffled over to my bed.

'April..' He started.


'I have a confession..I'm not sure how you will take it.' He said.

Shit,shit,shittery shit.

'Urm..May..Isn't real.'

I knew it.


'I kinda,made her up. To make you jealous. I'm so sorry. I couldn't keep lying to you. But now you and Ben are over,I don't have too.' He gabbled.

How did he know me and Ben were over?

'How did you know..'

'I-I dunno.' He stuttered.

I went onto my phone,and my messages with Ben was scrolled right up to the top,even my DM's with him were.

I got up,tears forming in my eyes. I ran downstairs,out of the door,and away from the disgusting boy.

*Flashback over.*

If he was going to make me jealous, I could easily do the same. Lets see who gets the last laugh.


'I'm home!' I shouted into the house.

After sitting in Starbucks for another hour, it was time too get home.

'Guess who I was just with!' I shouted again.

Alfie was definitely in the house, his car was here. No way he would walk.

'In here.' I heard.. A girls voice..

I walked into the living room, and saw Alfie smirking. I saw an arm wrapped around him,but the door was blocking their face.

Pushing the door out of the way, I gasped. Kaylee.

Alfie was still smirking, and Kaylee kissed his cheek.

What was happening?

'Who was you with?' Alfie asked.

'Ben.' I smiled proudly.

Anger suddenly washed Alfie's face. Whilst Kaylee's looked,amused.

She got up, kissing Alfie, and said she had to go.

When she had left, I ran upstairs, got changed, and got into bed.

I pulled my laptop on top of my duvet,and started scrolling for hours on Tumblr.


Sorry it's kind of a short one. Its currently 11pm and I have homework due for tomorrow,oops.

Hope you're enjoying this fanfic so far.

I've had a couple of tweets saying I have the grammar wrong,or something doesn't make sense. I'm sorry,Its just how I speak :)

Love you reader <3

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