Chapter 5.

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Of course it was Ben.

It read 'Hey x'

Only hey? I was expecting more than that,truthfully. But the conversation with continue.

April: 'Hey :) x'

Ben replied almost instantly.

Ben: 'What are you doing right now? ;)'

I wasn't sure on what to put,so I put a simple, 'Nothing :)'

Ben: 'Meet me at Starbucks,on the edge of the beach.'

Should I meet him? I didn't really know where it was,but I remember where the Surf shop was,and I'm pretty sure its close.

April: 'Okay,Bye :) x'

Ben: 'Bye beautiful :) xxx'

I signed out of Twitter quickly,and got changed. This time wearing my pink shorts,a white vest,and my pink vans. As you can tell,I live for colour co-ordination.

After getting changed,I put my long,blond hair up,and put my regular sunglasses on,and headed down the stairs.

Alfie was in the living room,watching some documentry on tv.

'Hey Alf,that guy from surfing asked me too meet him,I'll be back soon.' I shouted in to the room.

No reply.

'Alf?' I asked,as I walked to were he was sitting.

He was asleep. So I went into one of the draws near,and soon spotted exactly what I needed.

I wrote on a post-it note 'Back soon,Love you :) ' On the note,and stuck it too Alfie's forehead.

Taking one last look at Alfie,then soon stepping out of the room,and the house. I was pretty sure Starbucks would be tricky to find,so I got into the car parked outside contantly. I asked the driver too take me too the Starbucks nearest the beach,as we pulled of the driveway.

The drive to Starbucks was only around 5 minutes,which felt like 1 when your the bad kind of nearvous. I knew I had feelings for Alfie,but Ben was hot. I didnt know Ben well enough to have 'feelings' for him.

Stepping out of the car,and straight in too Starbucks,I traveled my eyes past all the tables. He probably wasn't here yet,so I ordered my drink,and sat at the closest table to the door.

Eventually,I saw a very sweaty Ben walk through the doors. He noticed me instantly.

'Hey.' He grinned.

I returned his 'Hey',as he walked off to order us both a drink,as I'd finished mine waiting for him.

He returned soon,and sat down oposite me.

'So,tell me about yourself.' He said.

'Well my name is April Summers,I'm  15,16 very soon. I moved here with my best friend,as he was movi-.'

'He?' Ben cut me off.

'Yes,Alfie,my best friend. Anyway,he was moving here and I couldn't stay with my parents anymore. I'm adopted,but my 'Dad' hates me. So I left. Urm..anything else?' I said quickly.

'Nope.' He said while grinning.

'Tell me about you.' I said.

'Well my name is Ben Callister. I'm 15,16 soon too. I moved because I wanted too run my own surfing lessons,which worked.'

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about our life,which was pretty fun. It was nice to talk to someone who listened. But soon,it was late,and I had to get back to Alf.

'I really better go.' I said sadly.

'Me too,I've really enjoyed today.' He said smiling.

'Same,bye.' I grinned,picking up my bag.

Ben stood up,and wrapped his arms around my waist,me wrapping my arms around his neck. We stayed hugging for a good 30 seconds,before I smiled,and left.


'Where have you been? I thought you was going to Starbucks. You dont go for 6 hours. I was worried!' Alfie screamed at me.

'Woah,sorry Dad.' I spat at him sarcastically,quickly going off to my room.

When I reached my room,I got straight too Twitter. 1 DM and 5 new followers.

I checked the DM,from Ben. It only said Hey,I would reply later.

4 of the followers were nothing special,but one stood out.


That's weird. I swear,I know that name.

I clicked on her account,and saw exactly what I thought.

Kaylee Cooper. My best friend before Alfie. Kaylee and I was best friends, until she left London, to move to..


I quickly followed her back,and DM'ed her asking if she still lived here.

Alfie shouted me too come downstairs,so I left the laptop and went to see what he wanted.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs,Alf was stood next too the open door.

'Who's here?' I whispered to him.

'Someone for you.' He whispered back,and walked into the living room.

'Hey April.'


Hope you enjoy this. Sorry for the cliffhanger,I'll update again very soon :)

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