Them Teenagers.

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Hello readers.

I had a perfect idea,to write a book about a teen,who goes through what a typical teen does.

I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of these,but I only ever do 'Youtuber Fanfics.' So it's different😊

Being a 14 year old teen,who knows everything,obviously😉,I know a lot of people around my age will agree with everything that goes on,and relates to everything😊.

There will be everything from parents,boy troubles,fake friends. Everything that has happened to me over the past 2 years😉.

It'll be based on a 'Jessica Gardner' kind of girl,which is me basically. But I will make this character into who I wish I was..if that makes any sense..

I will let you see from the book,and I hope you enjoy everything that I write. I love you,and I will see you soon for the updates✌️😊

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