Chapter 14.

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'April,will you be my girlfriend?'

'Oh my gosh,of course Alfie.'

He smiled,and kissed me surprisingly. Surprised kisses are the best,everyone knows it.

We went home,and decided to have a 'Netflix and Munchies' night,which was fine with me. So we stayed at the shop on our way home,and got 3 chocolate bars,biscuits,really everything.

The rest of the way home was silent. I didn't know what was wrong,but I knew Alfie. If he was silent,he can't be annoyed at you. That was asking for trouble.

As soon as we reached the house,Alfie went into the kitchen too prepare food,while I went and got the duvets,and our onesies.

I went back downstairs,and Alfie was sat smiling at his phone..wierd.

'Who are you texting?' I asked,joking of course.

'Its none of your business.' He muttered.


I changed into my onesie,and gave Alfie his. Alfie took his duvet off the pile,and went to sit in the arm chair.

'Aren't you sitting with me..?' I asked hesitantly.

'No,I want to sit here.' He said.

So I hooked the laptop up with the TV,switched to Netflix's and sat on the sofa alone.

4 hours later,we had watched 2 horror films,and Alfie hasn't talked to me. Without saying anything,I picked up my duvet,and went up to bed.

Alfie knocked on my door a few minutes later.

'What?' I asked,a little harsher than I intended.

'Night?' He said sarcastically.

'Whatever.' I said.

Sometimes,I hate him.


Sorry its only short guys. I have good plans for the next few chapters though!:)

CHECK OUT MY BRAND NEW HORROR STORY! Started today,and I'm very proud so far,so please go and show it some love.

Love my readers:*

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