at the arena

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Trish's POV

I'm in my locker room ignoring everyone who knocks on my door if I have a match I go in the match if I win or lose I don't care but once I finish the match I go straight to my locker room and don't come out.

End of POV

Lita's POV

Me and the girls are really worried Trish doesn't talk to us. She never comes out of her locker room unless it's for a match or if we are going to the next city

Ashley: shall we try again?

Michelle: Ash there's no point she won't asnwer the door

Lita: but she's got to speak to us again

Ashley: yeah I don't like it this way I wish Trish would come back

Lita: me too

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I am walking down the corridor with my brother Matt we were talking when I heard Lita say "but she's got to speak to us again" what has gone on. Is it because of me?

Matt: what's wrong?

Jeff: umm .... nothing

Ashley: Trish please open the door?

They got no response 

Michelle: Trish at least talk to us I know what happened with Jeff didn't go well but don't blame yourself and don't blame Jeff but he had no right to yell at you but it was Ryan's he shouldn't have come up to you.

Ashley: I agree with Michelle plus Jeff didn't know he was like your older brother

Oh my gosh what have I done

Trish: girls I know what you're trying to do and I'm being honest it's not working I don't want to be near anyone so leave me alone.

Lita: Trish? 

Trish: no Lita I'm sorry.... I shouldn't have come back to WWE

Ashley: *shocked* no Trish we're glad that you came back WWE is where you belong 

Trish: it doesn't seem like it now.

I sighed and walked to my locker and slammed the door shut I think it startled some of the other wrestlers since I heard them jump and asked "what was that?" I sat down with my head in my hands 

End of POV

Matt's POV

I saw Jeff walk off I walked up to the girls they saw me

Lita: what?

Matt: I'm sorry about Jeff's actions he gets like that sometimes

Ashley: well if you didn't hear Trish is going to leave WWE again because of Jeff

Matt: I know but .........

Michelle: Matt do us a favour tell Jeff that Trish is leaving oh and don't talk to us we don't want anymore drama

Matt: okay

I walked off to Jeff's locker I knocked on Jeff shouted "come in" I walked in and saw him sitting on a bench with his head in his hands.

Jeff: what?

Matt: Trish is leaving WWE again

Jeff: *sighs* it's because of me isn't it?

Matt: sorry but it is..... get the other two

Jeff got Randy and John

John: what's wrong?

Matt: well you know Trish is leaving again but I also got told by Michelle that she doesn't want any of us go near any of them because of the drama that has been going on.

Randy: what?

John: well our plans have gone down the drain.

Jeff: *sighs* I'm sorry guys 

Randy: don't blame yourself Jeff

End of POV

Trish's POV

I am packing again I want to leave WWE but I didn't want to if you know what I mean. I will miss the girls and the boys but....... it hurt on what Jeff said to me 


Trish: Jeff

Jeff: *harsh* what

Trish: *shocked* Jeff what's wrong?

Jeff: nothing

Trish: please tell me 

Jeff: no why should I

Trish: because we tell each other everything

Jeff: you don't love me 

Trish: I do love you

Jeff: then who was that guy huh? Why did you let him kiss your forehead? Why did you let him put his arm around you?

Trish: J.....

Jeff: Trish we are through

Then he walked off and I broke down crying

End of Flashback

Everytime I think of that memory I lost the love of my life it still hurts he said he would never leave me he BROKE his promise 

???: Trish?

I froze I know who that is. Why is he here? What does he want? 

Trish: go away Matt 

Matt: no Trish I'm not going 

Trish: just go!!!

Matt: no because we need your help

Trish: why do you need me? No one needs me

Matt: that's not true Jeff needs you

???: he does he's a wreck

Matt: thanks for saying that about my brother Randy

Randy: sorry but she deserves to know what state he is in

Trish: why don't you get him another girl to make him happy, a girl who is more pretty than me, a girl who doesn't have trust issues, a girl who hasn't got a broken past.

Matt: he wants you

John: he said you're beautiful Trish, you make him happy, he doesn't care about your past he wants you to focus on the future.

Trish: yeah whatever you're lying because he actually did care he wouldn't of yelled at me and told me that

Matt: he knows that and he's sorry

Trish: if he's sorry why isn't he here *sheds a tear*

Matt: come on Trish please just come out and see for yourself I can't stand to see my brother this way. He's not the happy Jeff, he's not the risk taking Jeff ....  well he's not himself 

I sighed and opened the door but before I did I fixed my face up because I looked horiible I fixed my hair as well

Matt: *hugs her*

I hugged back but then pulled away

Trish: let's see then how he is

They led me to his locker room I knocked on he told me to come in so I did the boys waited outside 

Trish: J...Jeff

He looked up

End of POV

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