please don't leave me prt 2

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Trish's POV

Matt, John and Randy ran when I said that I just cried and sat down I got crushed into a hug by Jeff.

Trish: why are you helping me Jeff?

Jeff: because Trish I love you and I don't want to let you go and I also don't want you getting hurt please can we stay dating I wouldn't live without you Trish Stratus.

Trish: J..Jeff

Jeff: please 

He gave me the puppy dog eyes 

Trish: okay

Jeff: *smiles* yay

Trish: *fakes a smile*

Jeff: *knows it's a fake smile* Trish don't worry he won't hurt you now

Trish: I'm worried about the others ..... I've got to go with him

Jeff: you don't have to

Trish: I have to Jeff or he will hurt all of you

Jeff: I don't care I want you safe 

???: *screams*

Trish: *runs*

I ran to where my dad was last I saw him glaring at the others I pushed them out of the way.

Trish: fine I'll come home just leave my friends out of this

Matt: no Trish

Trish: please dad leave my friends out of this

Michelle: *holding her cheek* 

Trish's dad: let's go 

I followed my dad to our car Jeff saw me leave with my dad he gave me a sad smile I gave one back 

Trish's dad: get in the car 

Trish: yes

Trish's dad: yes what!

Trish: *sighs* yes sir

I got in the car and my dad drove off

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Trish ran and when I reached Trish she was with her dad about to get in the car she left I can't believe it I've lost her... again

Matt: I'm sorry Jeff

Jeff: *looks down* it's not your fault Matt

Michelle: *still holding her cheek*

Jeff: what happened

Randy: Trish's dad slapped her

Jeff: I'm getting Trish back I don't care if I get hurt just as long as she is safe 

???: well you'll need me again

Lita: *gasps* DANNY

Lita ran to Trish's brother and so did the other girls

Daniel: I'm guessing our dad took Trish and........

Lita: yeah he also slapped Michelle

Daniel: I think I know where he might be but I need nearly every wrestler on his mission but the girls have to stay here 

John: one male has got to stay here or two to protect the girls just in case

Daniel: true so who would be good for protecting the girls

Matt: meeting

We got the locker room in one room and Daniel started to talk

???: who are you?

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