leaving WWE

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Trish's POV

That should be everything ....... yep I got my memory back and everything so I now remember everything that has happened to me and the bullying I got my suitcase and walked out of my locker room said goodbye to everyone and walked away and got on a plane to take me home. I told Vince I am quitting he was upset but he then let me go because I pleaded with him 

End of POV

Lita's POV

That is it Trish has gone what am I suppose to do me, Ashley, Michelle are in my locker room 

Michelle: I can't believe she's gone 

Ashley: me either 

Lita: she hasn't been herself lately though

Ashley: because of her bullies they started this

Michelle: let them in the ring

Lita: what?

Michelle: bring them here and ask Vince if he would put a match where it will be us against Trish's bullies and the boys against Trish's male bullies

Ashley: that doesn't sound like a bad idea

Michelle: but it will have to be after Sumerslam because it's in 6 days and we can't risk getting hurt

Lita: true

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I'm in mine and my brother's locker room just sitting there not listening to the guys I can't get my head around Trish leaving and all the drama with her old bullies why now? Why did they strike again and how did they even notice her?

Matt: JEFF

I snapped out of my thoughts

Jeff: huh

John: you okay mate?

Jeff: yeah I'm fine why?

Randy: you're out of it

Matt: I know what's going on

Jeff: you do?

Matt: yup he's like this because of Trish has left

John: Trish left WWE

Matt: yup for good she quit

Jeff: yeah because she got so stressed and her bullies came and tried to attack her

Matt: yeah and didn't you give the Johnson brothers a drop kick to both of them?

Jeff: yeh no one messes with my friends and gets away with it

Matt: *smiles*

I got up and walked to Lita's locker room because Lita told me if I need anything I can find her in there

*knock knock*

???: who is it?

Jeff: it's Jeff

???: coming

The door opened to reveal Ashley

Jeff: hey

Ashley: come in

I walked in and sat down

Lita: what's wrong? You don't look so good

Jeff: *looks down* I..... it feels weird without Trish she meant everything to me

Lita: you guys weren't even dating

Michelle: you like her a lot don't you

Jeff: yeah

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