childhood and explaining

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Trish's POV

Oh boy I'm getting nervous now I don't know how they will react

Lita: Trish?

Trish: *sighs* it wasn't just Olivia who was making me do that stuff it was also my dad.

Michelle: what?

Trish: when I was 4 my mum died in a car crash my dad was trying to cheer me up since I was only 4 then when I turned 7 he started to abuse me I use to go school with cuts, bruises and black eyes or anything like that. Everyone asked me if everything was okay at home I lied and said no everything is fine I just fell or any other excuse I could come up with but one day my dad took it too far he nearly killed me that night. So the next night I found a blade and well you know it still hurts *looks down*

Lita: Trish *hugs her*

Ashley: it's okay he's not here anymore he can't hurt you

Trish: *looks up* I thought you would be mad at me for keeping that to myself.

Michelle: we could never be mad if you kept something like that to yourself

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me and the guys just heard Trish's story and why she had those marks her dad made her do them and another bully

Matt: *whispers* let's go and pack

Guys(besides Matt): *nods*

We ran back to mine and Matt's locker room since John and Randy leave their stuff in our locker room so when it's time to pack they can just walk to ours and pack and then we can walk out together.

Matt: poor Trish

Jeff: when I find her dad I will kill him how dare he do something like that to a inno........

A knock came at the door and John went to answer it

John: hey

???: can I talk to Jeff I need to tell him something important

End of POV

Lita's POV

Me and the girls pushed Trish to knock on Jeff's door and asked him if he was there and if they could talk she looked behind us and glared we smiled innocently she is so gonna kill us but we are only doing this so she can get it off her chest.

End of POV

Trish's POV

The girls pushed me so I had to tell Jeff I don't know how he will react John answered the door

John: hey

Trish: is Jeff here? I need to talk to him it's important

John: yeah hold on

I looked down


John moved out of the way and I felt my chin being lifted up by Jeff

Jeff: hey

Trish: hi

Jeff: what's wrong?

Trish: can we go somewhere quiet I need to talk to you

Jeff: umm okay

We walked somewhere private and I looked at Jeff and then at the floor

Trish: I...I can't ......

Jeff: what?

Trish: I..... know that you saw my arm

Jeff: Lita?

Trish: *nods* Jeff I have a reason for it

Jeff: what?

Trish: I did it because I was pushed

Jeff: what do you mean "pushed"?

Trish: you know how I got bullied?

Jeff: yeah

Trish: well I also got bullied by *gulps* my dad

Jeff: what did he do?

Trish: he well he umm *quiet* abused me

Jeff: *heard* Trish why would he do that?

Trish: my mum died in a car crash and I was 4 at the time then when I turned 7 he started to abused me it went on till I was 17 I finally got the courage to tell the police but I still have the marks from the past that's what you saw on my arm plus it got too far when I found the blade and if I could I would take it all back *looks down* I better go *about to walk away*

Jeff: *gently grabs her hand* don't leave

Trish: Jeff I don't think you would want to waste your time on a girl like me

Jeff: Trish?

Trish: *gets out of Jeff's grip and runs*

I ran I don't know where I was going

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Trish just ran, why did she even think that I would waste my time on her she's adorable and I don't care what's on her arm as long as she's safe now I can protect her but ..... I saw Lita walk up to me

Lita: hey

Jeff: hey

Lita: where's Trish

Jeff: she just ran

Lita: did she tell you?

Jeff: yeah then she said that I shouldn't waste my time on a girl like her.

Lita: go after her try and go to the park

Jeff: okay

I ran out of the arena to the parking looking for Trish I found her she was sitting on a bench with her head down.

Jeff: Trish

Trish: *looks up* Jeff?

Jeff: I don't care what's on your arm all I care about is you and your safety and I am not wasting my time on you and I never will I love you Trish Stratus and I always will so don't doubt yourself again.

Trish: but Jeff my arm and ....

Jeff: Trish

Trish: sorry I was just worried that you will yell at me and break up with me because of it.

Jeff: I would never break up with you Trish

Trish: really?

Jeff: really *smiles* now lets go back so you can relax

Trish: okay but I'm tired can you carry me?

Jeff: *laughs* okay *picks her up and carries her to the arena*

I saw fans now and then when they saw us they were excited to see us together.

End of POV

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