Diary 1 : Never Eventful

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"When was the last time you've seen the Sun, David?. I'm not going to push you outside you know that but please just listen to me, go outside and get some fresh air, make some friends please." said mom when she happened to magically waltz into my room after noticing that the WiFi signal wasn't strong enough for her to use Facebook.

 "Mom you know that I don't like actually like other people... The weird me out", said I very sarcastically. I mean why would I need to go outside , all that's out their are bugs and germs and people. Well I guess the people aren't that bad , at least that mom says when shes truly fed up with me. I guess I've never actually had a eventful or happy experience with people, they're either just using me or are just straight up rude with me.

"Mom you're never going to get me out of this room you know" I said when i heard her maneuvering the back door 

 "David, as of this instance I'm switching off the WiFi , and yes I know how to do that, so move your butt and get out that room this instance!" shouted mom from the lounge area. To be quite honest I didn't actually believe that she would do such a thing , but as soon as I saw the big red Xover the WiFi, I knew she actually did it. Why is this women obsessed with me leaving the house? "The new neighbor just moved in , go and welcome them , here's a goody basket with some treats for them." said mom to me as soon as I walked out of the room, giving me the gift basket, basically forcing it into my arms. I guess I'll just have to do what she says.

As I walk out of the house I find myself starring at a place I haven't looked at in months, that old house always has the effect of giving me the chills. Luckily that's not where I'm headed right now. This new neighbor better be nice, not that I want to be friends with them or anything. Probably some or other snob that moves in and moves out a month later. Well they've changed the windows , and they've completely changed the entire set-up of the garden. Looks fancy actually. While I'm walking towards the front door my hands start to feel sweaty, guess It's just the nerves of not being out in while.

My finger barely makes it to the doorbell. "Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong" the doorbell rings and suddenly I see a body moving towards the door. Long hair, average height , walking almost model-like. The door opens but only a tad bit, the person only peering from a small opening. Its a females voice, it says "Hi, can I help you?" 

 "Uhhhm... well I'm David I live two doors away, my mom sent me to give you this gift basket" My voice trembling. She opens the door and says ,

"Oh hi!, I'm Liz , Thanks so much my parents are going to enjoy this so much..." to be honest I'm not even listening , all I'm focused on is believing that she hates me already. 

 "No problem and 'welcome' I guess. If you have any issues or questions be free to come over and ask , the doors always open. I mean not literally but figuratively..." What the hell am I saying ! My family and I are not open door people at all urrrrgh! "So see you around?", maybe I've ended that one off okay. 

 "No yeah defs, see you around , or maybe I'll take the open door policy you spoke of hahaha!." Says Liz laughing hysterically. So I guess I've blown it.

Walking home I end up switching my data and guess what. I have a Facebook invitation from an 'Elizabeth Gallows'. She sent me an invite?. Guess I didn't leave such a bad impression after all.

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