TAOM (3)

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Pic of Demarco in wolf form =>

We followed Marcus' scent to a small stream. The trail ended there. Looking around, we couldn't see any flash of his wolf pelt.

"Where'd he go?" Tilly asked.

Valery shrugged. "I don't know." She gave me a look. "Maybe we should go in our wolf forms...." I was about to protest when she continued. "We'll be able to track him down better and catch up with him."

I didn't like the idea, but I couldn't argue - she was right. "Okay, let's do it." Tilly gave me a comforting squeeze on my shoulder and we all went behind our own trees to turn. "Okay, Holly," I said to myself, "you have to do this. For Marcus." I could feel my heart racing, thumping against my chest. "You're not a monster, you've done this before." Before I could change my mind, I quickly discarded my clothes and changed into my white and gray wolf.

I stepped out from the protection of my tree and stood with the others. I recognized Tilly and Vaery's wolves. Demarco was different. His wolf was the blacker than Dallas's with rust mixed in it. His eyes were liquid gold and piercing. He looked so beautiful.... And deadly. I nodded at Tilly's concerning glance to assure her that I was all right.

Valery caught Marcus's scent, leading us in the direction he ran off in. The ground was damp, leaving mud stuck to my fur. I ignored the sharp pain as a twig dug into the pad of my paw. I jumped over many fallen trees and tripped over many rocks. It was long before we caught up with Marcus. With as much strength as I could muster, I lunged at him, tackling him and rolling us both on the muddy ground. I managed to pin him beneath me.

"Get off me, Holly!" His voice rang angrily in my mind.

"Not until you calm down!" I shot back.

Marcus glared up at me, his wolfish lips in a snarl. A growl rumbled deep in his chest. "He has to learn he can't keep coming into your dreams without your permission."

"I agree," I simply said. "But I will talk to him about it...." I looked over at Demarco before continuing. "After I meet his pack." I returned Demarco's nod. With a glance at Tilly, Demarco ran off.

Marcus shoved me off and started pacing. "No," he stated. "Reagan's pack is too dangerous for you to be alone with them. I won't allow you to do that."

"You don't have to allow me. Besides," I motioned to Tilly with a jerk of my head, "Tilly will be with me."

He continued to pace angrily. "I don't like it."

"You don't have to like it, Marcus. I don't particularly want to be near Reagan right now, but I rather it be me confronting him than you.... And I did promise him to meet his pack - I put it off long enough." I stepped up, blocking his pacing. "Now can we please change back to our human selves?" He was about to protest, but stopped and nodded. "I'll meet you back at my house, okay?" He nodded and ran off. Tilly, Valery and I went back to the trees we left our clothes.

"So when do you want to meet them?" Tilly asked once we were all human and dressed.

I thought for a moment. "I guess tomorrow."

Tilly agreed tomorrow would be perfect, as it would give her yet another excuse to see Demarco.

"Can I come too?" Valery asked in her normal fashion.

Tilly and I both shrugged and said, "Sure."

Valery did her high pitched squeal and squeezed us both in a hug.

Tilly and Valery walked me home. Marcus was sitting on the steps that led up to the front door, brooding. Valery and Tilly left, leaving me alone with Marcus.

"Before you say anything," I said as I made my way to him, sitting beside him, "know that my decision is final and not open for discussion."

"I thought you didn't want to meet them? That you didn't want to be anywhere near Reagan?"

I gave a defeated sigh. "Didn't I just say it's not open for discussion?"

Marcus gave me a hard determined look. "You can't expect me to just sit here and accept this decision of your's, Holly."

"The key words being my decision," I mumbled.

"I don't trust them, Holly!"

"I don't either!" I shouted back at him. "But then again, I don't know them, do I?" I paused. "And neither do you." I watched as he ran an angry hand through his dark hair. "Demarco doesn't seem so bad. If he's not, then maybe the other's aren't either. I made a promise to meet them - it's time I kept that promise."

Marcus shook his head and stood up. "Whatever, Holly. Do what you want - you always do anyway, right?" Before I could answer, he walked off, taking long, angry strides.

I stood and watched him leave. When he turned a corner and I couldn't see him anymore, I went inside, slamming the door behind me and leaning against it. Was it always going to be like this with him? Would there ever be a time where we're not arguing about something? With those thoughts running through my head, I climbed the stairs and went to my room, deciding to take a nap.


I was in a meadow, laying on my side, picking a daisey that seemed to be smiling at me. I brought it closer to me and breathed in it's fresh scent. I ignored that shadow that blocked out the sunlight suddenly. I already knew who it was. My back became warmer as he lay behind me. He leaned over me, taking he daisey out of my hand and whispering in my ear, "I hear you're coming to visit me."

I turned to face him. "Your pack, not you."

"Aww, that hurts, Holly. Truly hurts." He started pulling the delicate white petals off the daisey. "So when are you coming over?"

"Tomorrow. Tilly's coming with me."

Reagan smirked. "Demarco's found himself a mate for sure." Giving a short laugh, he continued, "Tilly's been coming up with different excuses to see him."

"Yeah, I figured that, but I was the one that told Marcus that she'd be with me." I flipped on my back so I could stare up at the fluffy cottoned clouds. "You need to stop coming into my dreams, Reagan. That was our agreement."

"No," he suddenly snapped at me. "Our 'agreement' was I don't enter your dreams as long as you met my pack."

"I get that. But since I'm meeting them tomorrow, you can't keep doing this. Marcus was going to tear you to shreds. Luckily, we stopped him."

"Yes, lucky for him," he agreed. "Fine, Holly, fine. I'll stop coming into your dreams, as long as you want me to."

I nodded. "Good. Why don't you start now?"

Reagan abruptly stood up and gave a mock bow. Then he simple walked away, disappearing into nothing, leaving me alone in the open meadow.

A/N: Thanks everybody for your comments, votes, and fanning me!! You guys are awesome :)

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