incoming call [5]

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Horrible writing ahead  :")



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The quiet ringing of coming from Yoongi's phone caused his heart beat to accelerate greatly, and once Hoseok accepted the call, he felt his heart drop to his stomach. A few seconds of awkward silence lingered at the commencement of the phone call before Hoseok decided to let out some words.

"Hello? Suga are you there?"

Yoongi had to take a brief moment to fully take in how foreign and new Hoseok's voice was to listen to. Even with his heavy Korean accent thickly coating his words, the way he spoke sounded soft and silky, a beautiful symphony to his ears. He should've inferred that Hoseok would have a lovely voice to match his angelic looks, but he didn't think he would be calling him so soon. Hoseok's pretty voice made him become overwhelmed with a great amount of insecurity causing him to almost hang up the call then and there, but he somehow mustered up the courage to keep the call going and reply.


"Sorry. I started zoning out. This is kind of weird for me"

Yoongi spoke with as much confidence and maturity he possibly could before hearing a Hoseok cutely let out a light giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"Your voice nice. Very yes good."

"Oh god, your English is terrible when you're actually speaking it, but thank you I guess. Your voice is pleasing as well"

"Thank you.
I know my English is no good, but I try"

"Well that heavy accent of yours is going to be gone soon, and you'll be a bilingual badass model, and it'll all be thanks to me."

"Thank you for help, Suga. I am happy. Can we do call everyday?"

"Depends. I mean our timezones are completely different. It's 3am for me."

Yoongi practically spoke every word as a sleepy murmur with ocasional yawn that would cause Hoseok to yawn as well.

"It is late? I am sorry."

"No no it's okay. I usually go to bed late. Oh shit wait I have work tomorrow. Namjoon is going to get pissed at me for going to bed so late."

"Namjoon? Who Namjoon?"

"He's my roommate. He treats me like kid and acts like my dad even though I'm older than him. Keeps me in check, glad I have him though. Practically my parent here in our shitty small apartment."

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