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Comment som stuff !!! Pls I worked rlly hard on this one 😤

Comment som stuff !!! Pls I worked rlly hard on this one 😤

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Yoongi softly chewed on his lower lip as he stared down at his dim phone screen with a face of contemplation plastered on. He really couldn't believe it. Had it really been an entire week since Hoseok texted him last?

Sure he had Taehyung to send him messages everyday, but those texts were mainly filled with flirtatious messages that Yoongi always seemed to dodge.

He missed the simple and funny comments that Hoseok would send him. He missed correcting his cute grammar and spelling mistakes. He missed receiving those adorable selcas that Hobi took of himself.

It has gotten to the point where he had an gained an urge to check his Instagram notifications every couple minutes in hopes to see a missed message from him.

Attempts to cheer himself up would always contain telling himself to let Hoseok have some space since their last conversation didn't exactly end in a high note and telling himself there was always Taehyung to talk to.

Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung had clearly taken a special liking to the New Yorker, and sometimes Yoongi just couldn't help but enjoy all the attention he was receiving even though Namjoon repeatedly would warn him that Taehyung might end up pulling some sort of stunt to hurt him. However, he carelessly always brushed off his roommates silly warnings and continued his virtual conversations with the model.

He had someone to talk to every minute of the day, but he still unfortunately felt a pang of loneliness. It was all beginning to slowly drive him to insanity. The one week spent without Hoseok company had felt like years, and he wanted, no needed, to talk to the ginger haired boy again.


Taehyung, has Hoseok not had his phone lately or something?  ;wonhossuga

taelien; nope, he still has his phone

taelien; Any reason as to why
you're asking me this?

I don't know. It's just he hasn't texted me in quite a while and I've been hoping he would ;wonhossuga

taelien; really? He's been texting
someone constantly this entire week.
I just kind of assumed it was you and
that you were still giving him English
lessons because he continues to show
Seokjin what new phrases and words he
had learned.

teach me ⚣ yoonseok Where stories live. Discover now