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A quickie lil updat before I go to sleep
comment som stuff
uhhh so yeh throughout the whole story
Bold means Korean
fuckboi below

A quickie lil updat before I go to sleepcomment som stuff uhhh so yeh throughout the whole story Bold means Korean fuckboi below

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what? ;wonhossuga

like a date date? ;wonhossuga

like just you and me  ;wonhossuga

So you like me? ;wonhossuga

junghope; does not matter anymore

yes it does

junghope; just go date your Taehyung

Please don't do that. Please suga

junghope; i don't care

Yes I do.

Hoseok ;wonhossuga

junghope; a cute girl ask me on date and I
will say yes now, and maybe I bring her to New York

That's a lie. Don't believe me
Be jealous or something please

Hoseok ;wonhossuga

junghope; no go talk to taehyung

Don't do that

junghope; it's okay if you don't want to meet anymore and just meet Taehyung

Okay I never said that, Hoseok let me talk oh my god ;wonhossuga

junghope; I'm going to go now

junghope; I will text you later maybe I guess

hoseok wait ;wonhossuga

Hoseok ;wonhossuga

H; wonhossuga

O ;wonhossuga

S ;wonhossuga

E ;wonhossuga

K ;wonhossuga

I'm calling you ;wonhossuga

[incoming call from 'suga<3']
accept decline

accept decline

Jung Hoseok you better stop avoiding me and answer me now ;wonhossuga

Jealousy and frustration built up inside of Yoongi causing his stomach to tie into knots. How could Hoseok agree on a date with a girl, and then avoid him? Yoongi stared at his dim screen hoping that "junghope is typing" would appear once again, but it never did causing him to put his phone down and groan in frustration. However, just as he did that, his phone let off a ding, and Yoongi picked it up in hopes that Hoseok finally sent him a response.

"1 new message from @ taelien!"

This wasn't the person he exactly wanted a text from, but nonetheless, Yoongi hesitantly opened the message.

taelien; suga. You there?

He contemplated whether he should answer or not. All signs practicality screamed for him not to, but for some odd reason, Yoongi convinced this would be nothing but merely a friendly conversation.

Yeah sorry for the late response ;wonhossuga

taelien; Good ;)



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quick update what y not

quick update also means bad update 😤

Sorry :(

Ily kiddos


Gnight my favorite hoes

also I've been weirdly contemplating this

Is me and Hoseok's ship name Hinny or Riseok or Rinseok or-

Whatever I ship it 😩😩😩💦💦💦👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


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