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papa joon gonna teach Yoongi a thing or two 😤
comment som stuff pls ily
I'm sorry I'm making Yoongi annoying but trust me I have everything planned

papa joon gonna teach Yoongi a thing or two 😤comment som stuff pls ilyI'm sorry I'm making Yoongi annoying but trust me I have everything planned

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"Can you please explain to me what exactly happened? Why are you crying?"

Namjoon spoke in a nurturing voice that was only used in rare situations like these. Yoongi silently let out small sniffles before wiping away his pitiful tears and nodding slightly.

"Hoseok got upset with me because I continued talking to Taehyung even though he had told me not to. I had brushed it off because I thought I should be allowed to like who I like, but come to think of it, I should've taken Hoseok's feelings into consideration and not just my own. We didn't exactly end our conversation on a high note, and I stupidly kept talking to Taehyung. I thought he would feel better quickly and we'd start talking again, but that never happened. A week had gone by with him not talking to me, and I messaged him. He found someone new to teach him English. His name is Seyoon and he's a model as well so I just blew all of my chances with him. He going to hang out with him in New York instead of me. He's basically replaced me."

Namjoon cocked up an eyebrow as his parental instincts quickly kicked in, and it was completely obvious to him that there was a major key part of the story that went unmentioned by Yoongi.

"And is there anything else you aren't telling me?"

Yoongi nervously rubbed the back of his neck with his hand causing Namjoon to roll his eyes and prepare himself for what Yoongi was about to say.


"Min Yoongi. What the fuck did you do?"

"Hoseok told me he didn't want me to date Taehyung because he wanted to take me on a date when he came to New York"

"Are you serious? Yoongi I'm sorry, but you're an idiot, so l'm gonna lay bit of tough love on you. If Hoseok said he liked you, then why the hell did you think it was a good idea to keep texting Taeyang or Taesung or whatever his name is? He lives with Hoseok doesn't he? Then Hoseok is obviously going to see that you're still texting him. Now I'm sure the fuckboy flirts with you and hopefully you aren't stupid enough to flirt back. Let's say this Taeyeong kid never existed, and I stared sending flirty messages to Hoseok. Wouldn't that make you upset? Wouldn't you be upset at not only me but Hoseok as well?"

Yoongi looked down at his pale, veiny hands which softly rested on his thighs. He couldn't deny that Namjoon was absolutely correct and couldn't help but feel some embarrassment at his idiotic actions.

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