Lilly Chase ~ Hidden Shadows

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He's cute, I'll admit. The Italian boy that Hestia likes. 

But not as cute as Tallis. I might like him, a little bit, but I'm trying to push my feelings away to give Thalia a fair try, since it's obvious she likes him and he might like her. I don't want to be enemies with these people just because of a guy. 

Anyways, a lot has happened in this small town. Tallis and Thalia have both been able to defeat a Shadow on their own, meaning we're getting stronger. 

And then there's Yuchi, the Italian boy that Hestia "fell in love with". 


There's something wrong, and I can tell. Tallis seems more irritable at times, Thalia more tired, and Hestia more dream-like (from her crush, most likely). 

I can't stand much of being around this people, so I leave early in the morning. I just need to go for a walk, be alone for a while. Like I was before I became a Water elementor, back in Peru. 

I wait for everyone else to be asleep, and exit the library. 

The air is cold, and I'm grateful for my leather jacket, thought it being tight and a little too short for very much comfort. I walk over to the entrance to the forest, and walk in. It reminds me of this little forest in Peru that I'd walk in with my dad as a kid, before he died. 

I keep my hands in my pockets to warm them, and wear little light blue beanie I bought over my soft, thick hair. Forests truly are lovely, but once I reach a river it becomes seriously beautiful. 

I sit down on a boulder on one side of the river, and sigh. When is this madness going to be over? I can honestly say I'm still stunned by everything, and giving a good long thought about it I can pretty much say I have no idea what's happening. 

I find myself, then, with my hand in a scooping motion, but flexed and taut, and I follow my hand with my eyes to the water, and see I'm levitating a head-sized sphere of water above the river, and the river has stopped moving. 

"I suspected it." I jump at the sound of an accented voice behind me. I turn swiftly, to see none other then Yuchi standing behind me, looking a lot angrier then he had when speaking cutely in Italian to Hestia, Thalia and I, and holding a black iron weapon that looks like a scythe. 

I drop the water sphere into the river, and the river continues to flow. I stand up, knocking my hat off into the river where it flows away with the current. I clench my fists. "I thought everyone knew. Why else would they treat us like criminals?" I say, with an edge of anger to my voice. 

He smiles coldly. "Lilly, is it? Water, I assume." He says coolly. "What are you doing here? All alone. It could be dangerous, especially with those things following you." He gestures off to the side, and I'm alarmed to see black, beady staring out at me from the leaves. I back up, into the river, and the current does nothing to fight me. "How do you know about the Shadows?" I ask, fighting the slight quaver to my voice. 

"Lilly, dear." He says. "How could I be controlling something without knowing about it?" 

I blink my deep blue eyes. "You.. You've been sending them after us?" 

"Of course. I manipulate them." He says, flipping some of his misleading-light blond hair out of his green eyes, that seem to be darker then before. "Everything could be so much simpler if you four where dead. At least, I'm assuming Thalia is Earth and Hestia is Fire. There's another of you, I know that. He or she must be air." I feel myself blush ever so slightly at the mention of Tallis, and he raises his eyebrows. "A boyfriend of yours, perhaps?" 

I shake my head quickly. "No." 

He smirks. "Off of that point. Since my Shadow's haven't been very effective, I decided I'd better come and finish the job." 

I roll my eyes. "I'd like to see you try." 

"Would you?" He says, and suddenly I'm floating in the air, engulfed in a floating black and purple orb. It stings my skin like poison, and I gasp for proper air. He laughs, his scythe thrusted upward, glowing in dark purple light. "I'm a Shadow element. The reason you're every so hated by the townspeople is because you and the others fought against me long ago, and lost. You would've died, but that idiotic woman Clara brought you to the future in stead." 

I choke on the air surrounding me, and then I fall from the air onto the river bank, a wide cut on my cheekbone and on the top of my hand. I gasp for air, the wind knocked out of me, and try to reach my hand into the river. The water cools my hand, and I concentrate while he babbles about his power. I watch in amazement as water flows up my arm and forms a sort of shield around it, and I, on instinct, punch upward, striking him right in the nose. He stumbles backwards, dropping his scythe, with a surprised look on his face and his free hand clutching his nose. 

I roll up, still stinging with pain on my hand and on my cheek, but am able to grin at his bloody nose. 

"You think you're funny, do you?" He hisses in his Italian accent. He conjures up an orb of purple ink, like my water sphere, and tosses it right at me. I dodge it, but feel it graze my shoulder and burn like poison. 

I wince, and dip my hand into the water and drag up what seems like a sharp column of water, almost like a sword, and slash at the little dweeb with my sword. 

He dodges it, and hisses at me. "You've developed your powers well, but not well enough to defeat both me and the Shadows." 

I open my mouth to reply in distaste, and raise my sword, when something whacks me on the the back of my neck. I stumble forward, but manage to stay up. I turn around to face my attacker and see a long, snake-like thing with a head on each end made of the same inky blackness of the other Shadows. It hisses at me, and see long fangs for all of it's teeth. 

I roll away from a blow from the fangs of one of the heads, and see the ground stained purple when it pulls it's fangs from the dirt. 

I jump back up, breathing heavily, and slash again at both Yuchi and the Shadow. I am greeted back from a blow from an orb of poison from Yuchi, to the chest. It hits and burns a black mark on my collarbone, and I stumble back in blinding pain. 

I wish the others where here. I think suddenly. I've never wished for them before, but now... 

"You're fierce, but you'll be down soon." He snarls. I gulp down air to refresh my burning-like-fury lungs, and shoot a jet of water at him, and somehow make it boil, and feel success at him crying out in pain and seeing the red mark on his face from where it hit him. 

"Lilly, Lilly where are you!?" I hear. Tallis. 

I blink, and am knocked down flat on the riverbank by one of the heads of the Shadow. I cough in pain from having the wind knocked out of me once again. 

Yuchi looks alarmed, and bends down to whisper in my ear. "You got lucky this time. Next time, I'll take out the four of you." And he races off, picking up his scythe before he goes. I see the Shadow about to finish me off, when a gust of wind knocks it back. I feel my eyes glazing over slightly, and I'm only able to look up slightly to see Tallis, Hestia and Thalia rushing towards me. The Shadow scampers off after Yuchi. 

I cough, and I'm able to see a puff of black smoke come from my lips. 

I am able to see Tallis sit down next to me, and then Hestia, and Thalia is hovering above me, but she looks to weak to use her healing powers. 

Tallis says something, but I can't make it out. He touches my shoulder lightly, and says something else. I don't hear it. 

"It couldn't have just been the Shadow." I hear Hestia murmur. 

"..Yuchi." I mutter, but it hurts my throat just saying that. Her eyes widen with surprise. 

And then I black out.

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