Thalia Moon ~ The day of a new adventure

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My life was rather... boring... before I woke up in the orphanage with three other twelve-year-olds. Actually, it was STILL boring when I came to the orphanage, because I couldn't go outside till I was thirteen. And I was the last to turn thirteen. 

There was one not-so-boring part: the boy, Tallis. The one I called Tally. I don't have a crush on him. I swear! Really! But he was my favourite of all the other kids because when he looked at me, with those serious grey eyes, it seemed as if he could see into me, all the way into me, into the depths of my heart. I do NOT mean that as in I like him or anything. Really! Don't get the wrong message. 

Otherwise there was Hestia, with those CREEPY red eyes. I mean, they're AWESOME! But creepy, anyway. And Hestia's really nice. And Lilly, who could forget Lilly, with her blue eyes as blue as one of those blue raspberry Jolly Ranchers you get at Halloween. Not the best comparison, but her eyes are so pretty. I wish I had them. I wish I had Hestia's or Tally's eyes, even. Anything... but my bright green ones. They seem so out of place on my small face. Big eyes on a small face don't work. 

I'm also the smallest of the bunch, and stand about two heads shorter than Tally. And I supposeyou could say I'm the least mature. But really, we're all thirteen. I mean, they're all thirteen. I turn thirteen tomorrow. Being the youngest stinks. Being the last to be able to go outside. 


I rolled over sleepily and opened my sleep-encrusted eyes. Immediately I was crushed by Lilly, giving one of her enthusiastic wake up calls. 

"Happy birthday!" she trilled, smiling widely. I blinked at her and offered a half-smile. "Thanks, Lilly." 

I sat up to see Hestia grinning at me too. "Happy birthday, Thalies!" 

"Thanks." I swung my legs off the bed, stood up and brushed myself off. Immediately I was lifted off my feet by a grinning Tally. "Happy birthday, Thalia." 

"Thank you, Tally." I beamed at him. He rolled his eyes. "Must you call me Tally?" 

"Yes!" I insisted. He must think I'm so annoying. Then I turned my attention to the door. Today was the day. A new adventure, a new stage in life. Today I could go outside.

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