Lilly Chase ~ The Voice in the Attic

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That little Shadow creep just needs to die, and stay dead. 

What is this, the third time? Who knows, but I hope he's done for this time. 

I just hope Tallis will be fine. 

Yuchi went into his shadow and disintegrated, but he's a Shadow element. Is Shadow even an element? I'm not sure, but as long as it doesn't affect Tallis it's fine by me. 

"What Element are you?" 

I turn, and look down at the little girl. Lolia. I blink. "Water." I say. 

She smiles, and I see one of her front teeth are missing. "Cool!" 

I'm not very good with children, nor do I like them very much, but I can't help but smiling. We're all walking back to the library, and she tries to keep up with my strides to ask me more questions. 

"Are you okay? You have scars on your face and hands!" 

I think back to a couple days ago when I blacked out. "Yeah, I'm fine now." I tell her, resisting the shudder that threatens to run through my body. 

"Well, they look cool!" She says, smiling widely. Tallis half-smiles at me jokingly, and I roll my eyes. She continues to question me and I sigh, answering every other one. She certainly is Light. 

Hestia glances at her, and she seems troubled, and looks away. I wonder what that's all about. 

We enter the library. "Wow!" Lolia exclaims. "This place is HUGE!" 

"We sleep over here on the couches." Hestia exclaims. She begins showing her around, and Thalia does also, still looking somewhat pained from the last couple of days. I sit down on the floor, leaning against a half-fallen shelf and sigh, setting my chin in my palms. Hearing my sigh, Tallis turns. 

"What's wrong?" He asks, raising an eyebrow in concern. 

I shake my head. "Yuchi. He was trapped in concrete and then he was out roaming on the streets. It makes no sense." 

Tallis shakes his head in confusion."I don't know, but I just hope he's gone now" 

He offers me a hand and I take it, and he pulls me up. I brush the dust from the shelves off my back and walk over to where the others are, Tallis behind me. Thalia glances at me, and looks away quickly, and I sigh. How long is this going to go on.... 

"So, Lolia, do you know anything about your.. Er, Element?" Hestia is asking Lolia. 

She shakes her head. "No! I never knew I had it.." She falters. "But, whenever I'm outside, there's never a cloud in the sky. Or any rain." She frowns. 

Thalia's eyes widen. "Well, you sent some sort of light into Yuchi's eyes..." 

Lolia shakes her head again. "I don't know how. I just got upset." 

I don't really want to hear much more. I don't want a kid to manage. I don't want there to be more Elements. There were always four. Earth, Air, Water and Fire. 

I sneak away and walk to the end of the Library, where we haven't really decided to walk, and lean against the wall, in the dark. I'm half-expecting Lolia to wander over here and brighten up the place. 

But then I hear a creaking noise, and I fall into the darkness. 

I blink, feeling a dull pain in my head from it hitting something, and I can only see darkness, but then my eyes adjust to the dark. 


I stand up, rubbing the back of my head through my dark hair, and wander up the stairs. There is a faint light at the top of them, and I see it is coming through a small, oval-shaped window. 

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