Chapter 3: Starting to fall for him

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Mangle's P.O.V.

The next morning, I woke up and I saw that TChica is still sleeping. I silently walked out of the room and down the stairs to see if anyone was up. I saw Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica awake and Chica was going to another room. I then sat down at one of the tables and Bonnie was walking towards me.

" Morning." he said.

" Morning." I said.

" How are you?" he asks.

" Doing good, you?" I ask.

" Good also. Oh, hay Foxy." Bonnie said looking at pirates cove. I looked behind me and saw Foxy.

" Hi Foxy." I say with a smile.

" Hi Mangle." Foxy said smiling back.

Bonnie, Foxy and I chat for bit and soon everyone else is up and Chica calls us for Breakfast. We all sit down together and eat. 15 minutes pass and we all finish eating. I help clean up and when I finished, Foxy came up to me and asks me a question, " Hey Mangle, would you like to hang out with me today?"

" Yeah, I'd love too." I said. Foxy then leads me up two flights of stairs and we soon were on roof. We went to the edge of the roof and, oh my god, the view was amazing. " This is amazing." I told Foxy looking at him.

" This is the one place that I can clear my head and have a good view of the city and your always welcome to come up here when ever you need to." he says looking out at the city.

" Thanks Foxy." I say to him and look out at the city. For some reason, I feel safe with Foxy. Like, he'll always be by my side when ever I'm in trouble. I think I'm starting to fall for him, like I'm in love with him. It's strange though, we just met and I'm already having these feelings. I guess it's love at first sight.

That's the end of this chapter. I'll see you guys in chapter 4 soon. Don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks, see you soon.


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