Chapter 6: Foxy makes the move

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Mangle's P.O.V.

I slowly stop crying and Foxy still has his arms around me and continues to brush my hair with his hand. I then feel and hear Foxy purring. I smile and look up at Foxy. He looks into my eyes and I look into his. We both smile at each other and I lay my head on Foxy's shoulder. I start to fall back asleep and his purring helps me and it feels nice to be in Foxy's arms. I feel safe and . . . loved.

Foxy's P.O.V.

Mangle starts to fall asleep on me as I continue to purr. I smile and kiss the top of her head. I'm starting to love Mangle. I want to protect her from the man that burned her home down and find out that it was the same guy that killed her parents. " I will keep you safe Mangle, from that purple man. I promise." I whisper to Mangle, even though she's asleep. I lay my head on Mangle's head and start to fall asleep.

The next day

Mangle's P.O.V.

I begin to wake up in Foxy's arms and I see him still sleeping. I smile and kisses his cheek. As I did that, Foxy begins to wake up.

" Morning." he says.

" Morning." I say with a smile. Foxy smiles back and me pulls me closer to him. I start to blush a bit and wonder what Foxy is gonna do. He then leans in towards me and puts his lips on mine. I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck. He lays me down on the bed as he goes on top of me and continues to kiss. We brake our kiss for air and we look into each others eyes. We smile at each other and Foxy asks me a question.

" Mangle, will you be my girlfriend?"

" Yes, Foxy." I say. Foxy smiles and leans in to kiss me again.

OMG, how romantic is that? Welp, that's the end of this chapter. I'll see you guys soon in chapter 7.


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