Chapter 4: Am I being watched?

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Mangle's P.O.V.

As I was looking out at the city with Foxy, I had a feeling in my stomach that someone was watching us. I looked over my shoulder but no one was there. I brushed off the feeling and looked out the city again.

Purple Guy's P.O.V.

Finally, I found the animatronic that I have been looking for. That pink fox, but who is she with. Oh, that Foxy pirate guy. I'll deal with him once the time is right. I thought and got off the roof, went into a van and drove away.

Mangle's P.O.V.

A couple minutes has passed, Foxy and I went back inside. We both went to pirates cove and Foxy asks me a question, " Wanna watch a movie with me?"

" Sure, what are we watching?" I ask sitting down on the couch.

" How about Transformers?" he suggests.

" Sure, I love that movie." I said as Foxy puts the DVD in and sits down on the couch next to me. Some where in the middle of the movie, I can't shack the feeling that I'm being watched. So I decided to fall asleep on Foxy's shoulder. I soon fell asleep and I knew that the movie ended and I felt like someone was carrying me. I started to wake up and I opened my eyes a bit and I saw Foxy. He put me down on his bed and, shockingly to me, he kissed the top of my head. I smiled a bit and went back to sleep.

Aww, how cute is that? Except that Mangle is having the feeling that she's being watched. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. See you in Chapter 5.


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