4: Harry

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Coming back was a mistake, I started crying during the speech, Merlin why am I so weak. I looked up and saw that Draco was looking at me, I smiled at him to show I was okay, when I wasn't, and turned my attention back to Mcgonagall.

"Eighth years have their own common room. I will personally show them it after the feast, enjoy" The food appeared on our plates, I just ignored it, I wasn't hungry. I felt everyone's gaze on me, and I hated it.

I told Hermione I was getting some air, she just nodded. I walked out of the Great Hall and outside into a little courtyard. I leant against a tree, and sunk to the floor and concentrated on my breathing. I couldn't cry, not here, not now.

My stomach grumbled but I just breathed, why did I come back? This was a mistake.

"Harry?" I heard a voice behind me, without getting up I turned around. Malfoy, great now I have to listen to his stupid bullyi-

"Are you okay?" I sighed, no I wasn't, but that didn't mean people had to ask me that every second.

"Malfoy I'm fine okay just leave me alone" I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them, trying to calm myself down, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.

"You don't seem okay." He stepped closer to me, obviously not knowing what to do.

"Just leave me alone, why do you care anyway." It was an empty question and I half expected him to say 'I dont'. But he didn't.

"I don't know, you just don't seem to be happy at the moment. And I'm trying to turn my life around so I'll ask you again. Are you okay?" He'd reached me by that point, I stood up, our eyes looked once more. I looked down, he'd gotten taller, taller than me. It was hard to see under his thick jumper but he was a bit more toned than 6th year.

I brushed past him and he grabbed my arm, that arm. I winced and glared at him yanking my stinging arm from his grasp and holding it. He looked at me strangely again.

"Just leave me alone Malfoy." I spat and walked off, zoning out from the world. As I walked back into the castle I saw Hermione walking with Ron and the other eighth years. Perfect, right on time. I walked up to them and gave them a smile.

"You alright mate?" Ron asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Ron's eyebrow shot up, and he gave me a strange look.

"You just look a bit pale." I rolled my eyes.

"You're starting to sound like Hermione. I'm fine okay. Where's our common room anyway? Do we know?"

"No we're just following Mcgonagall, she said we each have separate rooms, with one roommate instead of 4. I wonder who I'm with." Hermione said.

"I hope I'm not with any of the Slytherins, definitely wouldn't wanna share a room with Malfoy." Ron stated, Hermione pushed him.

"Ron you said you would be civil!" Ron just held his hands up in defeat.

"Yeah but I didn't say I would be nice, did I?" Mcgonagall had come to a stop, she said the password diligitis, it was probably Latin for something, I'd have to ask Hermione about it later.

We walked into a common room, it was a bit like Gryffindors but with more colour than just red. There were two staircases.

"Boys on the left, Girls on the right, your names are on the door. And just because you are eighth years doesn't mean you can wander about the castle." She almost glared at me,Ron and Hermione. She turned around muttering how it never stopped us before.

She needn't have worried as I wanted to see less of the castle as I possibly could.

"I'm gonna go find my room, Ron you coming?" Ron nodded and we said we'd see Hermione later.

We walked up the stairs and found that Ron was sharing with Seamus and Dean, Ron didn't know about their relationship but they had told me. I gave him a smile hoping that, that arrangement would work out.

I looked at another door and it said Neville and Blaise would be sharing, poor Neville. I walked to the last door, I don't know why I was surprised really, I just sighed and walked into the room labelled Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.

I unpacked my trunk quickly and began to change into some pyjamas. As my luck would have it, when I was in nothing but my underwear the door slowly opened. I quickly grabbed my trousers trying to shove them on causing me to fall on the bed.

Draco stared at me as I carried on changing, it was starting to get kind of creepy. I quickly pulled my top over my arm, even with the Glamor spell on, I was still paranoid.

"Do you mind?" I said and he averted his gaze and began to unpack aswell.

I wandered into the bathroom, getting my toothbrush out of my bag, along with my toothpaste. My hand brush past something, a small tin box. I thought about it and shook my head, Malfoy was right through there. I brushed my teeth and left the small bag in there.

I climbed into bed not looking at Malfoy, pulling the thin covers over me I closed my eyes, unwilling letting my dreams pull me into a deep sleep.

I was standing in a hallway, I think it was Hogwarts. Yep definitely Hogwarts. There was no one around but I knew that this was the day of The Battle. Broken stone and cobble everywhere, paintings torn on the floor.

I walked forwards and pushed open the doors to the Great Hall. In there where the four tables of each house. Led on those tables where everyone I loved.

Mum, Dad, Sirius, Remus, Tonks. I haven't had this dream before, not with everyone anyway. There were people who hadn't died, I knew this, but it didn't make it any less realistic.

Hermione, Ron, all of the Weasleys were on the tables, next to Fred. I started to scream. This was all my fault. They're all dead because of me.

The tables were dripping with blood, as I knelt on the floor, the pool of crimson liquid reached my knees, my trousers soaking it up like a sponge.

They sat up and looked at me in disgust as I cried. They told me it was my fault, they were dead because of me. And I believed them, it was true.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I'm sorry" But no matter how much I apologised it wouldn't bring them back. In the dream I looked up to see everyone gone. The only person in the room was my Mother, her wand pointed at me.

The green light hit my chest.

I woke up, panting, sweating, like every night. I leaped from my bed and raced to my trunk, looking for my photo album. I started hyperventilating and I couldn't breathe. Where is it? Where is it? I couldn't find it, I couldn't breathe.

"Harry?" Malfoy had woken up and he ran over to me as I hugged my knees, trying not to pass out from lack of oxygen.

End of Chapter 4

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