28: Draco

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Zelanzy stood over Harry's bedside, potion in his hand, it's green vile colour reflecting its obvious dangerousness. The Healer that was supposed to be watching over Harry Potter was on the floor, unresponsive.

I lunged at him trying to knock the potion from his hands but his grip was strong and he knocked me to the ground.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to help you silly boy."

"No your not. Why is the healer unconscious."

"She wouldn't let me help."

"It's you isn't it! You're the one who's been poisoning him!"

"Would you keep your voice down." He turned towards Harry again but I spelled the potion out of his hand.

"Give it back Malfoy, haven't you gotten brave. Why your father would probably disown you if he saw you right now, fraternising with the enemy. Tut, tut, tut."

"I don't give a damn what my father thinks he's vile and cruel. You're just as pathetic." I scrambled up turning around and running out of the infirmary, towards Mcgonagalls office, potion in hand.

I felt a spell hit my back and caused me to trip, the potion flying out of my hand. My chin hit the cold cobbles on the floor. I saw the potion roll down the stairs as it began to shift. Climbing up, I jumped the enlarging gap between solid ground and the moving staircase.

My hands grabbed its edge as I hoisted myself up and ran down after the potion, trying not to trip. I picked it up as the stairs stopped. I looked up to see the corridor empty.

I began walking backwards as I bumped into someone. I turned around to see my traitor professor standing behind me.

"How did you get here so fast?"

"You forget that teachers can apparate. Now give me the potion and you won't get hurt." His eyebrows were furrowed, hair out of place. I recognised him now. He was, probably still is, a Death Eater.

"You're a Death Eater!"

"Took you long enough didn't it Malfoy? Now give me the potion." His wand jerked towards me as I felt a crucio-type pain hit my arm. The potion fell from my grasp as I dropped to the floor, grasping my arm. I heard a crack and the pain stopped. I looked up and Zelanzy was gone.

I now had two choices: run to Mcgonagalls office or to the infirmary. I chose the latter.

As I was small and nimble, even for my age, when I arrived at the hospital wing, I wasn't panting.

"Madam Pomfrey, get Mcgonagall NOW!"     I shouted running to Harry's bed. I collapsed on the floor, my eyes stinging at the sight of the empty vial next to him. The woman came running in, her face pales at the sight of the healer on the floor.

"What happened?"

"It was Zelanzy. He's the one who's been poisoning Harry, poisoned Harry. He....he gave him the last dose.... I tried to stop him, but I couldn't apparate." I crack sounded behind me and I whipped out my wand, to find Mcgonagall standing next to Pomfrey.

She looked at the empty vial in my hands and then at the unconscious Healer on the floor.
Pomfrey scuttled forward to give Harry a diagnostic.

"He's dead... he's gone... it's my fault." I sobbed.

"No Mr Malfoy he's not. Not yet. His temperature is rising like before, but he's not dead. I'll have someone monitor him, you can stay too. It's a miracle he survived three doses, but its an extremely risky potion as well." She held her hand out and I gave her the empty vial. Harry's nose started to bleed and Pomfrey cleaned it up. She then levitated the useless Healer to a separate bed. Mcgonagall walked over to me, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"He's extremely lucky Draco. And even more fortunate to have a friend like you. You've showed real bravery today. Do you have any idea where Zelanzy could've gone?"

"I can't say I do Professor." She nodded and left me alone with Harry. I held onto his shaking hand as if I would never let him go. Which I wouldn't, not again.

"Come on Harry, wake up. I can't do this without you. I can't be me without you. This should be me. I'd give anything just to trade places with you. Please wake up." I couldn't hold it in anymore, I needed him. I grabbed his arm and sobbed into his slowly rising chest. "I'm sorry. Please just wake up."

But he didn't. He wasn't dead, I knew that, but I couldn't believe it unless he woke up.

Eventually Hermione and Ron found out what had happened with Zelanzy and had come down to check on their friend.

"Is he okay, what happened?" Weasley asked.

"He gave him another dose of the potion." Hermione gasped. "But Harry's okay, he'll be okay." Hermione hugged me and then Harry, Ron patted my shoulder.

"Your not so bad Malfoy, I'm sorry." I just nodded, not taking my eyes off of Harry.

"I don't deserve him, this is all my fault. And when he wakes up, he's never going to forgive me." Hermione shook her head

"Of course he will you'll just have to explain to him that what happened between you and Astoria was a mistake and that you'll never let it happen again." I swallowed the lump in my throat, putting my hand in my jumper, I pulled out the letter and handed it to Hermione.

Her eyes skimmed across the page, rage started to build up in her eyes, and Weasleys, as he read over her shoulder.

"Betrothed! To Astoria Greengrass! She can't do this."

"She can it's been arranged." I sad glumly. "I'll have to owl my mother, but I don't think there's anything I can do."

"But you have to do something, Harry will be heartbroken." She said and Weasley nodded, silently agreeing.

"I know, Merlin this is a night mare. Please don't tell Harry." I said shoving the letter back in my jumper.

"Don't tell me what?" Came a croaky voice from the bed.

End of Chapter 28

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