In a game, thats where we live. We help human gamers for we are systems. But as systems we have the normal lives like any other humans. But unlike human gamers we have actual towns we have to live in. There are three territories, Cybra, Techno Base, and Creator Capital. We enjoy living here as helping systems. Well, at least we did enjoyed living there, for this "game as systems" wasn't exactly true. "We are systems" they told us but I found the truth. No, Ichy found the truth, but I am here to make sure that truth is exposed and that all us "systems" are restored....into the real world.
Living Systems
מדע בדיוניInside a game lives people named systems. They are to help gamers in the game. They live just like humans, eating and drinking. But one year a boy named Ichy disappeared and was believed to be deleted from the data base. But his best friend, Kira Ro...