Chapter 5

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Finland's POV~~~

I returned home to an empty house. That was unusual... (f/n) had gone shopping that morning, just before I left to work a morning shift at the bar.

Shopping doesn't take all day, and (f/n) wouldn't have run away. She couldn't. I knew she was afraid of the Archangels catching her, and I knew she didn't have her angelic sword with her which renders her helpless, basically.

I only had to ponder for a moment before I dropped my bag and went looking for her.

Something wasn't right.

*little time skip to later in the day :3*

There was no sign of (f/n) anywhere. I was beyond worried at this point; where had my dear gone off to? She doesn't have anywhere she can go..

A piercing shriek caught my attention instantly. Whipping my head in that direction, I immediately knew that was my moonflower.

Gritting my teeth, trying to shut out that agonizing sound, I ran towards it.

Your POV (earlier that day)~~~

You dropped your grocery bags when you saw the figure in front of you. Two Archangels stood blocking your path; swords drawn and wings spread.

But one of them was more than an Archangel.

The one who had disappointment in his eyes wasn't just an Archangel.

"Gabriel..." His name barely made itself audible on your lips. Archangel Gabriel was the most famous among the angels. He was the one who spoke to the Virgin Mary of her future child.

But to you he was more. Gabriel was your lover before you were sent to the surface as a demon hunter and met Tino.

"(f/n).." His sadness weighed down his voice. "I loved you. This is how you repay me? Falling in love with a demon?"

"I-I..." You bit your lip. "I didn't intend for this to happen. I still love you, Gabe.."

"It's Archangel to you now. We've come to remove your status as a demon hunter." Gabriel sighed softly. "And as an angel."

Your (e/c) eyes widened. "What?! You can't do that! You can't just make me--"

The angelic figure in front of you cut you off. "We've done this before, (f/n). You're just another statistic now." He nodded at the other Archangel, who proceeded toward you.

You took a few steps back. "N-no, please..!" Your back hit a cold wall. "Please don't do this!"

The Archangel pointed his sword at you, golden eyes glaring and cold.

No, please...

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