Power Training

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Elizabeth's POV:

I got up as usual and left for school. I was walking when I saw Meliodas up ahead. I ran up and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked at me and smiled.

"Meliodas! Can I walk with you again?" He nodded. I noticed that his hand was bandaged up. It was the same one he had his cut on from yesterday. I grabbed his hand and held it up. He winced a tiny bit in pain.

"What did you do?"

"I just caught it in a door, that's all" I could tell he was lying but it was obvious that he didn't want to talk about it. We walked to the bench and found the others there waiting for us.

"Hi Elizabeth, hi Meliodas!" Diane called out. We sat down and began to talk until Ban noticed Meliodas' bandaged hand

"How did you do that?" He asked

"I just caught it in a door" he smiled but I knew it was fake.

"Anyway let's go get ready for power training" King exclaimed. We all stood up and walked towards the changing rooms. The boys left for the boys changing rooms while me and Diane left for the girl changing rooms.

"Diane, I don't believe Meliodas, do you?"

"Not at all! He seems really nice but it's obvious he's hiding something from us. Something he doesn't want anyone to know"

"Well let's make it our goal! Make him trust us and then tell us!"

Ban's POV:

While we walked to the changing rooms me and King were talking but Meliodas seemed distant. When we arrived we all changed into our pe kit. Meliodas changed so quickly it was unreal! I swear that I saw a bandage on his stomach though.

"Hey Meliodas" King called


"Why do you keep lying?" He froze in place and looked shocked.


"You lied about the cut on your hand and your wrist today"

"What's really going on Meliodas?" I asked

"I-its nothing, I swear" he looked really upset almost like it was a sensitive topic. I glared at King and he nodded. We both knew we had hit a sensitive nerve for him. We finished changing but the coach called him over before we started.

He came back and sat on the bench. While we all had to sit on the floor.

"Alright! Your practice is to hit the correct targets! Elizabeth you may sit out because your power is unsuitable here" She sighed in relief and sat on the bench aswell.

"Alright Ban first!" I entered the small room and targets started to appear. Some looked like criminals while others looked like citizens. We had to use our powers to destroy the criminal targets.

Elizabeth's POV:

I wonder why Meliodas isn't doing it. Is it because he doesn't want everyone to see his power? What was weird to me was that he was wearing a long sleeved top and jogging bottoms. Everyone else was wearing short sleeved tops and shorts because it was warm out. Meliodas sure Is weird. Or is there something going on that he doesn't want us to know about?

"Meliodas, why aren't you doing it?"

"Oh I'm doing it after school!" He chuckled. We started to joke and chat until the end of school bell rang. We all left apart from Meliodas. The sins decided that we should stay and secretly watch. While everyone else had the small room, Meliodas had a large area of the field! He would never be able to see all the targets! They were too far away!

The trial started and Meliodas just stood there. Before the first target even shown, he created a black fireball and threw it and it hit the target just as it appeared. He was able to hit the really far ones and got them all correct! He didn't touch one citizen! How was he able to do that!? During the entire trial he never faced our direction.

"Thanks Meliodas, you are dismissed" Meliodas grabbed his bags and started to leave. We were all hiding in a bush when he stopped right in front of us and smiled at us! He knew we were there!

"Soo why are you still here?" He teased

"W-well we just wanted to see how your trial went" I mumbled

"Uh huh, anyway I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" He smirked. We all nodded and he left. He was walking off when he got his phone out. He looked down and his aura changed. It was happier and his face looked relived. Who are you Meliodas? Why do you keep secrets? Can you trust us?

Today was the day that me and sins go to a local cafe called the boat hat. We go there sometimes and spend the day there. The owner is really nice, her name is Katie. She always gives us free stuff. If Meliodas didn't walk off we would've invited him. It made me wonder how much power he actually has! That was impressive and it didn't seem hard for him either.

"Well guys, let's go see Katie!" I smirked and we left for the Boar Hat

Meliodas' POV:

I was going to visit my auntie and headed towards her cafe. It was really quiet until I was dragged Into an allyway. It was a guy called Howzer and his gang

"How did YOU get into the sins?" He was holding me by the neck up against the wall.

"I heard he's the dragon sin of wrath. More like a mouse he's way too weak" they started to punch and kick me until I lost it. I activated my demon mark while my hair levitated. My arms started to cover with dark markings and they dropped me in horror.

"W-what are you?! A demon!" I punched and kicked them until they passed out cold. I sat down leaning on the wall and tried to calm myself down. My demon mark deactivated and I continued to walk towards the cafe.

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