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Elizabeth's POV:

We went back inside and Meliodas flopped on my bed. It was really funny to watch. Ban set up a movie while King and Diane set everything else up meanwhile I was talking to Meliodas.

"Meliodas, when Estarossa opened the door the other day, he had black eyes but I didn't see his demon mark. Why is that?" He looked at me

"Well, Zeldris must've looked out the window and seen that you weren't demons so he activated the shield"


"Yeah it's so nobody from the outside could see his mark but could still see his eyes, because most demons don't deactivate their mark. When you came in if you looked at them, you probably would've seen their marks."

"But I've never seen you with yours activated apart from just"

"That's because I refused to have it activated. I probably would've been abused less if I did have it on"

'Why did you refuse?" He hesitated to answer

"Because I hate being a demon. You're meant to hurt others and always be horrible and even not be friends with other races but I feel like that's unfair. I mean you guys are probably the best people I've ever met so if I acted like a demon I wouldn't have been your friend and I possibly could've.....died" I felt so bad for him. I pulled him into a hug and he blushed slightly.

"Meliodas, to me your the best demon to ever live!" I had no idea that the others had left the room.


"I just wish there was a way that could prove that all races can get along"

"We have already. Right now. I mean the sins have a demon, a goddess, a giant, an immortal human and a fairy"

"How did you--"

"I can tell by their power levels"

"Oh okay, anyway I wanted to ask you something"

"Sure what is it?"

"It's about what Katie was talking about earlier, specifically the demon and goddess part" he blushed tremendously


"Katie said that I could only heal you if the demon....returned those feelings" he froze when he heard that

"Meliodas, do me?" He looked down and blushed more!

"Meliodas" I tilted his chin up and made him look me in the face. I leaned in and kissed him. He didn't even resist! He kissed back! I think I have my answer now!

"A goddesses and a demon. Who would've thought" we pulled away and saw the sins in the doorway.

"What a pair! Who would've guessed that a demon and a goddess could have feelings for eachother" Diane giggled

"Guys" I sighed. Meliodas just blushed.

"Say Meliodas, can I ask, in the hospital, was that your first kiss?" Diane asked. He didn't say anything, instead he looked down and nodded.

"Really? That was Elizabeth's aswell!" Ban exclaimed

"Guys! Stop ratting me out!" I yelled

"Sorry Ellie I'm just still shocked about the fact you two have feelings for eachother" King smiled

"How about we go watch the sun set?" Meliodas changed the subject and I'm glad he did.

"Yes!" I yelled. I grabbed his hand and we went out to the balcony. The others followed us.

"Let's go" Meliodas smiled at me and held my hand. He levitated up and helped me up while the others climbed up. We sat on the roof watching as the sin set. It was really cute.

"Hey Meliodas" I asked


"W-when we found out, we followed you we saw you go into your house but something was different about you"

"Different?" He turned to look at me

"Yeah, you just had this...glow about you. It was almost like you were...happy" he hesitated to answer

"I....I was"

"Why?" The others noticed us talking and listened

"I was glad you found out. I wanted you to find out. I knew that somehow you would be able to do something" he admitted

"Well you were right" I giggled

"Yeah and I'm glad I was"

"So am i" we looked back at the sun and watched it slowly dececended behind the houses and the sky was a giant painting. It was an amazing view.

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