Bayverse-Hot Rod x Femme Reader. Part 7

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I can't remember what all happened on these scenes. So, I'm just gonna go based off of memory, which is terrible haha. don't murder me :,)

The submarine entered an old Cybertronian facility. The top opening to submarine opened up. The two humans and Cogman climbed out. Bumblebee and the humans jumped into water. "I am not getting in there" said Cogman. Bumblebee made an irritated  noise, followed by a clash and a splash. You looked over to see Cogman in the water. "You are very rude!" He yelled.
You are taking your time going into the water. Hoping the muck won't get caught in your circuits.
"Can't she go any faster?!" The male human yelled. Becoming iterated, you pulled out your gun and faced it towards the humans. "Ugh! Watch yourself human. You don't have to wait on me. Now, I suggest you get going" The humans left to an unknown area.
"Oh, She's intimidating" you heard Cogman say from the waters.
Hot Rod grabbed onto your servo. "I got you" He tugged you down. Making a splash in the water. Below your peds, were unknown squishy contents. "Gross" you said. Bumblebee laughed. Bumblebee helped you up onto the play form. And you did the same for Hot Rod.
"The way you talked to Cade and his lady friend, reminded me of Ironhide" Bumblebee said in his makeshift voice. "Oh Ironhide. I wasn't there, but I heard what happened. He was a good soldier" your voice saddened a little.
Hot Rod grabbed onto your servo, and looked you in the optics. He didn't need to say any words. Just being in his presence made your spark warm. Both you and and Hot Rod leaned in towards each other. Seconds later, both of your lips touched. A little shock was felt in between the kiss. You and Hot Rod leaned backwards , and laughed. "I love you Y/n" you smiled "I love you too Hot Rod"
Bumblebee can be heard in the distance making whistling noises. Cogman grunted. You made a funny face at both of them. Bumblebee laughed, Cogman walked off. "Okay, lets go explore this place"' Cogman said.

-TRF soldier p.o.v-
We followed Cade Yeager and his Autobot pets into the weird alien thing.
A couple of us climbed out of our own submarine. Staying low and quiet as so they won't notice us.
Cade Yeager the female went somewhere inside the facility. The robots stayed behind. I felt like that the was the perfect opportunity to shoot them. I aimed my gun and pointed in their direction. "What the hell do you think you're doing? If you shoot now, we won't be able to get that special item." I rolled my eyes. "Fine" I lowered my gun.
We continued to watch them for a little bit. I noticed that the two bots leaned in. Connecting their lips together "Robots have feelings?!" I said. "Obviously, you have never been around a transformer" said Lennox. "Let's just wait till they leave" Lennox gazed back over to the robots.

-Regular p.o.v -
We explored the area, finding some ancient artifacts. "Can I keep some?" I asked "No you can not" Cogman said. "Aww okay" you continued to walk. Hot Rod grabbed onto your shoulder and whispered "I can steal them for you" he smiled. You were going to decline his request but Cogman already beat you to it. "Firstly, you are bad at whispering. Secondly, I dare you take one. Let's see what happens" Hot Rod stepped forward. "Am I being threatened? By a small creatures" Cogman pointed a digit up at Hot Rod. "Tale one more step l, and you'll be sorry"
At that point Bumblebee stepped in. "Come on man, step down. He's a lot stronger than he looks. He bent Crosshair's digit before anyone could blink their optics" Bumblebee said in his radio voices.
Your optics widened "wait, you bent Crosshair's digit?" You asked Cogman. "Of course, he was rude" you sighed "he deserved it" Cogman continued "And I could do the same for this pile of trash" Cogman pointed at Hot Rod.
You tried not to laugh, but a small noise managed to come out. Hot Rod looked at you, and gave you a glare. "What!? How could I not laugh?" Hot Rod continued to walk ahead of them. "Whatever, let's get going" You caught up to him "Hey, it was only a joke. Maybe, I could make it better" You looked behind you to see Cogman and Bumblebee are engaged in a conversation. You looked back at Hot Rod and placed your servo onto his crotch plate. "Yeah, I think that will cheer me up" He placed his servo onto yours. "Yeah, maybe next time though" you laughed and pulled your servo away. "Aw. Why not now?" You rolled your optics. "You sure are a weird mech. I never met a mech who just wants to do it in random places" Hot Rod shrugged. "I just like it. I don't know why" You laughed "well, let's just wait for a berth" He smile "fine".
The ground began to shake. "What the?" Bumblebee said. "Oh, did I forget to mention that this is a spaceship."
"Wow" Hot Rod said in his sarcastic tone.
"I know a way up top. Follow me" Cogman led the way.

-Skip to being on the outside of the ship-
When we got outside, the humans were up here too. You wondered how they found their way out.
Bumblebee ran to his human, and so did Hot Rod. You stayed a little behind them, knowing you aren't good with human. But you heard their conversation. Supposedly, the female human found the item, but was taken by decepticons. You were confused because you heard no guns fire.
At that moment, you heard a large boom, and the ground shake. You all looked towards the left to see Optimus.
Optimus looked different. His frame was covered with dents and scratches, the left side of faceplates were red. Not only that, but his eyes were glowing purple. Your only thought was dark energon. You never witnessed it, but you have heard stories about it.
Then, another crash could be heard. You spin around to see the original knights of Cybertron climbing out of an opened hatch. And they don't look too happy.

Yay, well hope you liked it :D
Sorry it took so long. I was having trouble with my other story / fanfic. Which I have not updated in like a month or so haha
But yeah, I finally listed :,) yaaay

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