Stressful Pain 2 - Rodimus Prime x Femme Reader

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I haven't been talking to Rodimus for a few orbital cycles. I refused to give in any report on my Earth experiments, or just work files in general. I usually have Arcee or Springer take them in for me. Of course, Rodimus has noticed and tried to talk to me one on one, but I would end up hiding from him. Other mechs have noticed as well, the main one was Perceptor. A mech I don't usually talk to, but he's also a mech I work with, so it wasn't odd for him to take an interest.

"Y/n," the scientist spoke. "Are you and Rodimus still sparkmates?" His question caught me off guard. But I answered the scientist "No," I say lowly. The scientist hummed "are you two perhaps, bonded?" Once again, this also caught me off guard. Why is he asking so many personal questions? But once again, I answered him, just not in words. I shook my helm no. "That's good." I raise my helm and give him a weird face. He noticed "Oh I mean, I only say it's good because he seems to be under a lot of stress, and it's going to you. And of course, that's not a healthy relationship" he says, and it didn't make things better, it basically made it worse, as my spark began to ache at his words. 

Eventually, I did ease into his words as Perceptor became a sort of therapist for me. His slight accent gave it more of a push as well. But he did talk about Rodimus and I, and our relationship.  Saying I should find a different mate. Which shocked me at first, but he was absolutely right. Rodimus hasn't done any good to me. I've actually come to a point where I'm afraid he'll strike me. Or perhaps worse, either way, It's not good for me, or our surroundings. And that's one of the major points Perceptor have brought up. 

After a while of talking, everything ended up with Perceptor and I hugging. His touch felt so warm, loving, and genuine. Something I have not felt in cycles. It felt good to feel this again, but I don't think I could ever replace Rodimus, he's the only mech I love. But, during this current time, I don't think I can be with him. I may have to just move on. 

*Time skip* 

It's been a few orbital cycles since Perceptor talked with me. And since then, we have gotten close. And I must say, I have grown very fond of Perceptor. It may be because I'm feeling lonely, or desperate, but I began to have feelings for the scientist. And I know it was noticeable as others began to comment on my decisions. The main one is Arcee, she didn't like my choice. She was telling me that I should stay with Rodimus, as this whole situation will move on. She's supportive, but just not in the right direction. The only thing that will be moving on is me. She doesn't know what I have to fear whenever I'm alone with the Prime, at least when I'm with Perceptor I'm safe and loved, even if he doesn't mean it. 

Speaking of Perceptor, I'm going to tell him how I feel. Once again, this may just be because I'm lonely, but I can't hold my own, I need a mech in my life, someone who can care for me, and support me. Which is why I'm going to ask Perceptor. 

*Time Skip* 

I was walking towards Perceptors lab as per usual, but I came to a stop when I see a very familiar mech walking my way. Tall, broad, orange, and stressed. Rodimus. I froze in my tracks, not knowing what to do. But, I continued forward, making my way to Perceptors. If he does try and talk to me, I plan on ignoring him and move past him. But that didn't work out as planned. 

 Rodimus grabbed on to my servo, causing me to pull it away, but he's too strong. "Y/n" he spoke out. I didn't look him in the optics, I kept my vision on the ground. "Let go of my servo," I say with low vocals. "If I do, you'll leave," Rodimus says. And when he said that, my spark sank. I could tell his vocalizer was strained, drained, and most of all, saddened. But he was right, I was going to leave, but at the same time, the sound of his voice made me want to stay. "I won't I promise," I say slightly, but he must have heard as he let go of my servo. I grabbed my arm and turned the other way, not facing towards him. "Why won't you talk to me anymore." He says softly. But this angered me, he absolutely knows why I refuse to talk, and see him. I could feel the energon heat up my faceplates, but I refused to show him anything. "Rodimus, we're not right for each other. Not anymore." I say, squeezing my servo onto my shoulder. "What do you mean?" You can definitely tell there's static in his vocals. "I-I" I didn't even finish my words. Energon started to fall down from my optics. Rodimus noticed when he heard me sniffling, instead of answering him. "Hey.." he says softly. "Don't cry" He says as he begins to embrace me from behind. I so badly wanted to get out of his grasp, but I aslo wanted to stay. It's not that I don't like, I love him with all my spark, But how do actually know if he's going to change. 

To our left, there's a metal wall. While Rodimus was embracing me, he began to pull me towards that, as he feels my frame becoming slump and exhausted. I'm assuming he didn't want me to fall. 

Rodimus placed his back onto the wall and began to slide down, with me in his arms. I sat uncomfortably on the ground between his legs, but that's not what caught my attention. What caught my attention was Rodimus, he too was crying. And that even made me cry more. Nothing really made Rodimus cry, not even as Hot Rod. This only showed me more that I am something he genuinely cared about me. 

After crying like sparklings, I couldn't help but chuckle. Rodimus looks down at me with dimmed optics. "I'm sorry" I sniffle, "We're literally crying on the ground in an alleyway. We've hit a new low." Rodimus smiles and agrees. 

*Time skip*

Again, it's been a few orbital cycles since my last interaction with Rodimus. And during those cycles, I still spent my time with Perceptor. I mainly told him my situation, and I did tell him the truth about my reasoning for trying to go to his lab that night. He wasn't negatively affected by it. He was actually glad I didn't ask, as he's not interested in relationships and didn't want to give you a spark break if he did tell you that night. But, he did tell me to be careful around him. And I listened. I observed Rodimus in the past cycles, he did change up his act. Granted, he is still stressed to pit, but he's not pushing it on me anymore. In fact, the past cycles have been the most affectionate we have been in weeks. and during one of the weeks, Rodimus and I bonded. After what we've been through, what I've been through, this felt right. As if it was meant to be. Sparkmates for sure. I haven't been this happy in a long time. 

I lay atop of Rodimus's chassis, living, and relishing in the moment. "Are you, interested in Sparklings?" Rodimus asks out of the blue. I quickly lift my helm from his chassis in surprise. I then felt his frame heat up after he asked his question. "Right now?" I ask. He shook his helm. "Might not be right now, but are you interested?" he asks. I slightly laugh and place my helm back onto his warm chassis. "One day, just maybe not today." I offlined my optics and smile, "But I do want some sparklings." I say softly, "As do I" Rodimus finished off. After that, both Rodimus and I fell into recharge. 


WOOO This was a crazy one to write! But I kinda like how it turned out. I feel like I could have done it better, not to mention with the roller coaster of emotions. but I'm satisfied with it :D  OH! I'd also Like to say that I'm still working on my seeker AU and I like it so far. But other than that, I hope you liked this chapter! <3


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