Playtime - Rodimus Prime x Con Femme Reader - LEMON (G1)

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WARNING: I am not big on transformers lemons, so sorry if this is trash. This also contains dominance on both roles. So yeeeeah. Carry on.

I scratch my claws against the rusted steel of an abandoned warehouse. I stand face to face with a Prime, a very good looking one at that.

"Give me, the artifacts now, seeker" The Prime says sternly. I smile at him "I only want one thing, Prime" I say as I place my left servo onto my hip. "I have told you many times before, I have no interest in interfacing with a con" Rodimus Prime says as he begins to slowly bring out his gun. I roll my optics and brought up my nullray and blasted him with a shock a electricity, causing the Prime to take a knee. "You mechs always think you're smart. Always trying to get the upper hand" I glare at him "stupid".

I give a low chuckle at the Prime. The Prime began to struggle, but didn't make any movements. "What did you do?!" Exclaimed the larger mech. I walk up to him. "A blast of electricity, which is of course normal, but not mine. Oh no. One hit from me and you stop moving" I smile, right before taking my pede to the Primes chest.

The Prime fell onto his back with a loud grunt. "Look at us. A tiny femme seeker taking down a Prime, how embarrassing" I walk over the Prime, placing my right pede on his chest. "It would be better if you had some movement. I should have lowered some of my charge". He didn't speak which frustrated me. So I violently pressed my pede deeper into his chest causing a pained grunt from him. "It would be better if you spoke!" I exclaimed.

The Prime glared at me "This will wear off. And once it does, you will regret everything you're doing" The Prime says confidently. I laughed at him. "It will last for a while. Perhaps, it will be just enough time to do this" I say as I lower myself, straddling him. "You best not do this" he warns. I hum, and lean down far enough so that my faceplates is near his neck cablings. "You know," I paused to lick one of this cables "I was here when Optimus was still online. I always wondered how well he can frag" I whispered into his receptor. "You disgusting Decepticon." He spat. "Oh? I can tell you're a rough one" I smile with a toothy grin before I went back to what I was previously doing.

After a while of sucking, and biting his neck cabling, I grew tired of it, along with his repetitive degrading comments. I need more reactions out of him, not to mention that I better work fast before the electricity wears off.

I began to grind against the Prime, thus causing the Prime to grunt. "Ah there it is" I say excitedly "I'm going ruin our plating with paint transfers" I say with a smirk.

All of a sudden, I hear his interface plate open up. "So now you want to play?" I say teasingly. "This isn't because I find you attractive" he responded. I laugh and kiss his cheek before I open up my interface panel as well.

I sat up straight "but before we do frag, let's see how well you can use that gloss of yours" I say as I began to make my up to his face. "Don't you dare" he says. All I did was smile as I slowly lowered my valve onto his dermas. As soon as we made contact, he surprisingly started to lick right away.

I ground my hips into the Prime, feeling his glossa slide across my valve causing me to moan. I grabbed onto his helm and pushed him against my valve some more. I felt immense pleasure when his engine started to rumble.  

I look down, only seeing the top of his helm. I offline  my optics and bite my bottom derma and began to grind on the Prime once again. The Prime tried to speak, but couldn't. The only thing he did was create even more pleasurable vibrations. "Primus, You're going to make me overload" I moan.

A wave of electricity made its way through my frame. I moaned loudly and I continued to push the Prime's face into my valve. My moaning became louder by the nanosec. Then, I felt my self overload.

I felt myself going limp, but I removed my servo from his helm and caught myself on the ground. Although, I didn't move my current position. I panted as I look at the grey ground. I finally let out a satisfied sigh and began to get up. "I must find myself an autobot. No con has ever left me feeling like that before". I say with a weak smile.

As I removed myself from the Prime, I noticed that he's lying there with a smug grin plastered on to his faceplates. "What?" I glared at him. He didn't say anything, but I didn't feel a swift forced on my legs causing me to fall down on my aft.

All of a sudden the Prime has already pinned me down to the ground. My breast plate facing the ground, while my wings and aft are in the air, and my servos pinned behind my back.

I was completely in shock that I didn't see it coming. I got to carried away that I forgot all about my limited time.

"My turn" is all the Prime says before he reopened my interface panel. He began to slowly insert his neglected spike. I groan and clench down due to the sensitivity. "You're tight" Prime says as he grunts and eases himself into me.

I moan loudly as I feel his large spike stretch out my valve. "Filthy Decepticon" He says with a grunt. "Oh yes, degrade me more. Make me a true pleasure bot" I moan. "Shut up! Don't speak" he spat.

He started off slow, but with time he eventually sped up. I could tell he was enjoying as he was allowing large amounts of lustful sounds into the air. Not to mention that his grip on my servos was unbelievably strong.

I moan our desperation. I need him to touch my wings. I want him to pull them. Pull them off of it's hinges if he must!

I lifted my wings high. Prime decreased his thrusting most likely in confusion as to why my wings are up. I look to the side, only enough where I can see the right side of the red and orange Prime. "Pull them, stroke them" I paused in silence. "Please" I asked softly. He didn't say a thing, but only replied by giving me a hard thrust.

I arched my back as I felt his servo graze against my right wing. I want to feel him more, and I know what will get him going.

"I bet Optimus would be better at this". This caused him to growl. All of a sudden he released his grip from my servos. But, he placed that grip onto my helm. Forcing my helm to the ground. He also got very close to me. So close that his derma is right next to my neck cabling.

He slide his glossa against my wing, causing me to purr in pleasure. "Disgusting seeker" he then bites the edge of my wing. I once again moaned and arch my back. He increased the speed on his thrusting. With everything thrust he hit my interior node, causing shockwaves to go through out my frame.

With the thrusting of his large spike, the bite marks he's leaving on my wings, and the completely dominance he has makes me want to overload. The way he frags reminds me so much of a con. Dominant, rough, and loud. Not to mention the use of "disgusting" and "con" put together. Exactly how a mech should be.

I felt my overload coming. Rodimus hit my interior node again, releasing my over. I squeezed onto his spike and moaned. I bit my lower derma and mewled loudly as my frame shakes from wave of pleasure.

A little after I overloaded Rodimus overloaded with a moan. Streams of his transfluid shot into my overly sensitive valve.

Prime pulled out with an exhausted groan as I continue to lay there in a frenzy. I closed my panel and eventually got up. I looked up at the young Prime. "I have never overloaded like that before" I say with a weak smirk. "I like you"  my denta showed through my smile.

I look down towards my groin then back up at the Prime. "If you ever want to frag again and chip more of my paint, please let me know." I licked my dermas "I want you to cause more damage" I smirked and walked up to him. I place my sharp digits on his chest and look up at him. "I know Galvatron wouldn't mind" I then licked his chassis. I smiled, turned around and left the area.

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