Phones, Snuggles, and ... Kinks?

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The air outside was cold. It was a late December night, snow lightly falling outside the window. Under the warm covers of the slightly darkened room, the only light being the small beside lamp, was Michael and Jeremy. Michael was too busy on his phone to notice Jeremy that much. Jeremy decided to just snuggle into the smaller male's side, humming quietly. After a little while of silence, Jeremy looked up at Michael and tilted his head. 

"Hey, Mikey?" he hummed.

"Mm?" Michael mumbled, glancing from his phone to Jeremy for only a few microseconds. 

Jeremy was quiet for a few seconds, thinking of how to word his question.

"Do you have any kinks?" Jeremy asked, smiling innocently at the other.

You'd think that the boy would know everything about Michael. After all they've known each other for a very long time now.

Michael's face flushed faintly. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, clearing his throat.

"W-Why would you like to know?" he stuttered out.

Jeremy giggled a bit, "Knowing might come in handy some day~!"

Michael blushed darker, sighing a bit.

"Well.." he murmured, thinking for a moment before going back to scrolling though his social media. "Probably...praise."

Jeremy blinked. "Praise?"

"Praise." Michael repeated.

"Why's that?" the taller male tilted his head.

Michael chuckled a bit, shrugging. "I suppose I just like being praised? Y'know like... being told that I did a good job or whatever."

Jeremy giggled a bit. He nuzzled into Michael's neck, purring quietly.

"You're so weird~!"

"And you're a furry," Michael concluded. 

Jeremy's whole face  turned a deep shade of red. He shot straight up, turning towards Michael. He was straddling the other's left leg since their legs were intertwined before. He stared at the other, obviously crossed. 

"I am not!!" he protested.

Michael only laughed, shaking his head. He smiled at Jeremy, turning off his phone and setting it on the nightstand. 

"Let's just get some sleep, okay?" he chuckled. 

Jeremy huffed a bit, but nodded in agreement. They two settled down as Michael turned off the bedside light. They cuddled into one another, glancing out the window at the fallen snow through a crack in the curtains. The only lights outside were the festive Christmas lights and the street lamps. 

"I love you.." Jeremy murmured quietly, closing his eyes.

Michael smiled, chuckling. "I love you too, he murmured. 

Michael planted a small kiss on Jeremy's forehead as they both slowly drifted off into a deep, peaceful slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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