Chapter 19: Don't Yell At Her

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*Connor's POV*

Everyone else had gone out for the day, leaving me and Noah alone. I planned to find out the truth and now.
"Yeah, Noah, can I ask you something?"
Noah looked up from her book. "You just did." She said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes. "Serious time, Noah."
Disregarding the book on the couch, Noah stood and made her way to where I stood. "Okay, go on then."
"Where were you the past three days?" I questioned.
"I told you already, Con." She sighed.
"I want the truth." I demanded. "I don't want anymore lies."
"It's not a lie." Noah defended. "Even if it was you wouldn't understand."
"A lie on top of another lie." I laughed. "Gosh, Noah, you sound just like her."
"Who?" Noah took a step forward. "Who do I sound like?"
"Our mother." My response stung her. I could tell by the look in her eyes, but at the moment I didn't care. "You sound just like our mother, Noah."
"I sound nothing like her."
"Listen to yourself for a second. Everything you say sounds like her." I sighed. "You're even acting like her, having been for weeks. I mean, you've barely been home a day, and already you've lied countless times." My voice was steady raising and I hadn't even noticed. "Where were you really?"
"Connor, you wouldn't understand." There were tears in her eyes.
"I wouldn't understand!" I exclaimed. "You freaking disappeared for three whole days and magically showed back up this morning without a simple explanation." I was getting mad now. This wasn't my Noah and I wanted to know where she went.
I cut her off. "No, Noah, I don't want to hear it unless it's the truth." I started to walk off. "Until you are ready to tell me the truth don't even speak to me."
"Connor, wait!" Noah caught at my arm.
"What, Noah?" I asked sternly.
I was tired of this game.
"You wouldn't understand." She said simply. "Just drop it, okay?"
"Not this time." I sighed.
Maybe I'd taken things a step to far but I could care less. I was done at the moment.
Noah was crying, and for some reason I didn't feel like doing anything to stop it.
"Con, please, just drop it."
That was it. "No, Noah, I'm not just going to drop it. Because while you were out God only knows where. I was here worried sick about you, and the least you could do is be honest with me." I shouted. "But no because you're just like our mother. It's easier to lie than except the truth."
Noah opened her mouth to speak but I held up a finger. "I'm done, Noah."
"Well I'm not." I'd never heard Noah raise her voice in my whole life until now. Something about it was chilling. "I'm not done, Connor. When you need to know you'll know. And you need to just let it be."
I shook my head. "You know what, Noah? I'm tired of this game. The one of doing what you want without question. Of pretending not to see or hear things. " I paused, cursing under my breath. "I know so much more than you think I do, but I never ever ask about any of it because I trusted you to always be honest with me. But I guess I was wrong." I shouted.
"Don't yell at her!" It wasn't Noah's voice, but Levi's. He had just come home.
He rushed to Noah-who was still crying pretty bad. "What happened here?" He turned to me. "What'd you do, Con?"
"That's right, be prince charming, Levi. Blame me like I'm the one who did something wrong." With that I stormed downstairs, and went out the basement door.

*Levi's POV*

"Are you alright?" I asked concerned.
"I don't...I don't know, Lee." Noah answered honestly. "I've never had this happen."
"Tell me what happened. I only came in during the last bit." I patted her back.
She took a breath. "He wanted to know where I was, and I told him to drop it. He just went off. Yelling at me about being just like her." Noah's crying had slowed somewhat but not all the way. "I'm just trying to keep him safe, Levi."
"I know. I know." I nodded. "I won't even ask, but if you want to tell me, I'm always here."
"Thanks." She wrapped her thin arms around my neck in a hug. "You're such a good friend."
"I try." I chuckled.
"I was with Jasper." The brunette blurted. "He kidnapped Nancy, Ellis and I. But I..." She paused, realizing what she was saying. Noah's mouth always outran her brain. "Sorry I-"
"It's okay, Noah." I assured her. "You wanna finish that story? I won't tell a soul."
Noah nodded and took a seat on the couch, patting the spot next to her.
I sat down and she began to recount what had gone on, down to the last detail. One thing about Noah is she never left out a thing.
It was quite a bit to take in, but I tried my best. Of course, nothing was ever simple with the brunette, and like any other time she had an elaborate plan to follow.
But she couldn't do it alone. She needed help. Exactly why she 'slipped' and told me. It was part of who Noah Hendrixs was. She knew how to get what she wanted.
"You need help if you're going to do that." I remarked.
Noah sighed. "Yeah, but nobody's  suppose to know about the deal." She looked down at her shoes.
"Lucky for you I'm nobody." I joked.
"You mean," Her head jerked up. "You'll help me?"
"Of course, what are best friends for." I couldn't help but laugh as she jumped into my arms.

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