Chapter 1

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"Aahahahahhahahahaha, do it again. Do it again," you said.

"Noooo," he said making an innocent face.


"Okay," he sighed. "Buing, buing"

"Ahahahahahhahahahaha. You are so cute," you said pulling his cheeks.

"I don't know why they're making me do this! Like I thought we were suppose to act natural," he said putting his arms around you.

"It's because they want you guys to have more fans when you debut. You're already so adorable and when you'll do this, girls will go crazy over you." You explained.

"And wouldn't that make you jealous?" he asked with a smirk.

"Why would it. I know you're mine. I don't really need to worry about anything," you said making a 'state the obvious' face.

"Ahhh, I love you so much," he said kissing you on the cheek.

The two of you sat in silence in the dark. You guys loved doing this.

Every Friday night he would come over and the two of you would sit under the window sill in the dark room and talk about almost everything and anything.

"So this is it huh," you said.

"Yeah, I guess." He sighed, 

"But I promise after the debut I will come back and get you. Maybe you can move in with me in New York."

"I live an hour away, Ryder. What's the difference?" you asked.

"The fact that you'll always be by my side," he said.

His comforting words were always so reassuring. You rested your head on his shoulder and the two of you continued to sit in silence.

You didn't want to let go of him. You wanted the moment to last. You'd waited before and you were willing to do that in the future too. You loved him a lot and so did he.

As the sun rise, the two of you said your goodbyes. You fought back your tears in order to show him that you weren't weak. He was gone and all you had to do was wait. Wait for him.

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