Chapter 2

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[3 Months Later]

You had moved to New York, because of your new job and the first person you wanted to tell was Ryder. He didn't pick up his calls or called you back.

You were worried but you didn't just want to show up at his training center. That could mess things up for him.You were going back home one day with all your groceries when you saw him.

"Ryder! " you yelled from across the street, waving at him.

He turned around and looked at you. You ran towards him with all your groceries in your hand.

"Hey, where have you been?" you asked excitedly

"What are you doing over here?"

"Ohh I.. I've been trying to call you for so long. You never pick up your calls. I got a job here, in New York! So I moved here." You said.

You were hoping he'd be excited and hug you but he didn't.

"Listen, we can't be seen talking over here okay," he said while moving his head around.

"Let's go to a restaurant or something," he said pulling you.


"So, how's life?" you asked smiling at him.

He had a flat, expressionless face. "Uhh, its great!"

"Hmm, so have you been enjoying your new gained fame?" you asked

"Yeah, I think we should order something!" he suggested.

There was clearly something wrong with him but you guys had met after so long that you didn't want to bring it up.

"Yeah sure, lets order." You said pulling a smile.

He ate quietly without making any efforts to start a conversation.

"So, is that offer of yours still open?" you asked

"What offer?"

"Me moving in with you?" He didn't respond and went back to eating.

"The pay that I get from work isn't enough for me to pay the rent for the apartment. I'm going to need a place to move into soon," you added, hoping he would respond but he didn't.

"Are you okay, Ryder?" you asked placing your hand on top of his.

"Huh, aaa yeah! I'm fine. .. Listen I'll tell you later how we will arrange this okay?" he said and went back to finishing his meal.

This by far had been the worst lunch you'd ever had with him. You felt so weak and heartbroken.

Why was he acting like this?

You didn't know. You thought he was going to be really excited upon seeing you because that's what he usually did but today was different.

You were so close to him and yet you felt so far apart.

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