Chapter 3

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Two weeks had passed and Ryder hadn't contacted you.

You didn't even know where your relationship with him stood at this point. You wanted to confront him and talk about the whole situation.

One evening, you finally gathered enough courage to call him. As soon as you picked up the phone, it buzzed.

It was a message from him.

Your heart started beating faster.

You opened it and read,

'So the guys will come in tomorrow and move your stuff. Be ready'

That's it. He gave you such a short notice. You were happy but you were confused at the same time.


"Everything looks great!" you said putting your hand on your hips.

"Ohh wait, forgot one more box," you said picking it up.

"Alright so I'll be in the next room if you need anything!" he said, leaving the room.

You expected him to stay with you. Talk to you, maybe cuddle with you, like old times but no.

He was so quiet and distant.

You didn't know what to do.

He would leave for work early in the morning and come home late night. You guys only exchanged a few words in 2 weeks.

Every time you wanted to talk, he would avoid the subject.

Today was like all the other nights, you fell asleep, waiting for him.

"Kathlien, come one get up and go sleep in your room," he shook you.

You looked at the clock, it was almost mid night. You hesitated a bit but finally said,

"Ryder, I know I shouldn't be asking you this because I shouldn't be interfering in your personal matters but you could at least try coming home a little early." You were scared of what he might say.

"I got busy!" his reply was brief as usual. You had now lost control. This was too much.

You didn't deserve this.

You finally bursted. "What is wrong with you? I try so hard every day to talk to you but you, you have changed. You're not the Ryder I used to know.

The Ryder I knew loved talking to me. He took care of me. More importantly he loved me. He didn't just treat me like any other object in the house. I don't know what the company has done to you but you have changed so much."

Tears started rolling your of your eyes. "I do not deserve to be treated like this.

We are living together then why does it feel like you are more far apart from me then you were in the past 3 months. If I am a burden on you then why don't you just tell me so I can leave?" you asked.

"You don't understand this okay," he snapped back.

"What do I not understand?"

"Tell me where I went wrong?" he asked.

You were shocked upon hearing this question.

You scoffed. "Are you asking me where you went wrong? Everywhere Ryder, everywhere!"

"Is that how you really feel?"

"I'm afraid so," you said and got up.

You went back to your room and packed a few of your belongings that you were going to need immediately.

You slowly walked out of the room. He was still sitting on the couch with his head bent down.

You didn't want to do this but there was nothing left to stay for.

If the guy who you had waited for, for so long wasn't stopping you then there obviously was no need to stay.

"Are you leaving?" he asked wiping his tears.

"Yeah," you said as you closed the front door behind you.

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