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Three years after leaving Charleston..
Sang Sorenson

With sweaty palms and nervous breathing, I slowly undressed myself, all too aware of the fact that half of the football team surrounded me as they undressed, too. My pants made a quiet thump sound as they hit the tiled floor of the men's locker room. I could hear Logan's sniggering across from me.

"I can't believe you're making me do this, you asshole. I'm never playing truth or dare with you guys again." I scowled at him as I slipped out of my white tshirt. A little tip for Sang in the future: Never get drunk and say yes to playing that idiotic game with Logan and his football buddies. I always ended up in crazy situations like this the next day when I did.

Who knew that this crazy situation would involve me standing with some of the guys from the football team in the men's locker room, wearing nothing but my underwear and bra, with the letter 'S' painted on my stomach.

"Should've picked truth, sweetheart," Logan began, his eyes scanning over my body in a teasing manner. "But I'm sure as hell glad you didn't."

I scoffed and shook my head. He wishes. With his chocolate brown hair, laughing dark eyes, and nice, strong jaw, Logan Bradford was the fantasy in many wet dreams. His rock hard abs and nicely toned arms only added to his charm. It was too damn bad that I only thought of him as the annoying best friend I could never get rid of. Trust me, I tried twice already. He just never went away.

"Alright guys, huddle up!" I yelled after giving a sharp whistle. A serious of grunts followed as they squeezed themselves into a circle. I had both semi-naked Bradford boys flanking my sides. Logan on my left, and Asher on my right.

My eyes might've strayed to Asher's tanned, muscled abdomen a few too many times, but who could judge me? I was just a girl and he was definitely all man. Looking into his hazel eyes, which were dancing in amusement, I knew I was caught.

Asher was Logan's older brother and my other good friend. The difference between the two of them was that I never wanted to get rid of him. Ever. I probably wanted him to stick too close. Asher was slightly taller than Logan but shared the same chocolaty brown hair and freakishly good looks. Unlike Logan's personality, which was filled with happiness and crazed adrenaline, Asher's was more subdued and peaceful, like he was content to sit back and watch life as it passed him by.

I often times found myself looking at him as more than a friend. My hidden crush from the moment I met him had developed into something deeper..and steamier, if the way my eyes kept straying was anything to go by.

Down girl, my inner nun tutted. I needed to get my head in the game, not fantasizing over my friend and roomie. Expelling the embarrassingly vivid thoughts from my brain, I began sifting through our checklist.

"Tarzan!" I yelled at the gigantic, hairy man standing in his pink boxers that said 'I love Mom' on the butt. "Did you put itching powder in all of the jock straps?"

"Sir yes sir!" he bellowed, and the guys laughed. I gave him a cheeky grin and winked. That's my boy.

"Ballgazer! Where did you put the vegetable oil?" I hollered.

"The showers, sir," our chunky lineman answered with a grin, his belly jiggling as he pumped a fist into the air.

We all sniggered quietly to ourselves as our minds played out the scene that was sure to come later. Nothing was funnier than a bunch of naked football players struggling to stand up in slippery oil but falling all over each other instead.

"Corny! Where's the glitter?"

The tall and lanky boy just stared dumbly, his cheeks flushing. I rolled my eyes. Freshman.

"Corny!" I snapped.

"What? Huh? OH! In the vents, ma'am!" His answer stuttered out of his mouth in a squeak. His teammates groaned and shook their heads in disappointment.

"Freshman," Logan muttered beneath his breath. I elbowed him in the side, making him grunt. Although I was thinking the same thing, it didn't mean I would say it out loud.

"Now who's ready to do some streaking?" Logan screamed loudly. Whooping and hollering was all he got in answer.

"Hoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoo," We huddled closer together and chanted, the entire team towering over me.

"Let's go kick some ass!"

I stuck a pink football helmet on my head to hide my face. Highland University, our rival school, messed with the wrong team.

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