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Friday Morning

Tori's House

The pillow was moving.

Why was the pillow moving?

It was also warmer than usual. Then, something warm and wet dragged across her face.

'Oh yeah,' Tori thought as the pushed herself off the German shepherd. 'I didn't feed Ace last night.' She moved to swing her feet off the bed only to be greeted by a throbbing pain in her hips. She'd forgotten about the bruises from last night's accident and they were coming back to haunt her. She also had to call the body shop about her car and bike. Both were going to nee new paint jobs. And the car was going to require a new driver's side window. Tori looked at the clock on her night table, which read 5:45. If she was fast, she could probably call the 24-hour shop a few blocks down, drop off the vehicles, and have them both done by the end of the day. The only problem would be getting them there and back.

Tori walked downstairs and reached on top of the refrigerator to nab a can of dog food. Normally, Ace just ate dry food and whatever Tori dropped off the kitchen counter, but since she hadn't filled his feeder, Tori thought he deserved a treat, as the cans were usually reserved for holidays or special occasions. At the sound of the can opening, the dog came bounding down the stairs, only to trip on the last few steps and send itself flying into the wall across from the threshold. Ace just got right back up and proceeded to race toward the girl with the can.

Ace was a four-year old German Shepherd that Tori had received as a "growing up" present from Fowler when she moved into eighth grade. They had just moved on from rotating government officials living in the house with her to video-com check-ins, so Fowler had thought she could use a companion. The little puppy had just failed out of police-dog training, as he wouldn't bite, only lick. So, instead of placing the dog in a shelter, Fowler pulled some strings and let him go to Tori. When he showed up holding the squirming ball of fluff with a red bow around it's neck, the thirteen-year-old Victoria squealed and almost suffocated the dog in a hug, which he returned happily with a barrage of licking. But that was then, and this was now. The dog was much bigger now, almost as large as Tori herself. He was a much better pillow that he was four years ago, but he had the same amount of energy, if not more.

Tori hadn't yet plopped the food from the can into Ace's feeder, but he was jumping toward her hand, nearly biting it off in the process.

"Hey numbnuts," Tori started. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." At this, Ace ceased his bouncing and sat down near the feeder. The human smiled, grabbed a fork, and scooped the contents of the can into the feeder. "Remind me to refill your feeder when I get home, I don't have time to do it now." Tori walked over to the counter and pulled her phone out of the waistband of her shorts, then dialed the number of the body shop. A gruff, obviously annoyed voice, answered on the second ring.

"Auto Correct Body Shop, you frag it we fix it, how can I help you?"

"Glad to know you still love me Cooper."

"Tori?" his voice changed from annoyed to worried. "What happened?"

"Vince and his gang fragged my car. And I took a dive on my bike a couple of days ago. Can you hook me up with two buff-jobs and a driver's side window?"

"Same paint as last time, right? At this point I should just keep a box of parts for you in storage."

Tori laughed. "Same paint. But I can't get them in by myself. Could you have Anna drive you over? That way we can all drive something over before school starts."

She heard a groan on the other line, "Anna cheated on me, but I can find someone in the next ten minutes. I'll be over in fifteen."

"Aw, Cooper, I'm sorry. But thanks, dude."

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