Chapter 8

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*Chapter eight*

I woke up as soon as the sun entered by window, illuminating my eyes.

I'm lying in Louis's bed, with Louis.

WITH LOUIS????!!!! WTF????

I must have dozed off, because the last time I checked, I

was on the computer!

Without waking him, I pushed his arm and got up.

Yes, I got up early, alone, without an alarm clock. I must be sick! hahaha

I left the room.

The House is quiet and silent. It feels so good. The only thing I hear are my thoughts, in the midst of this Pacific scenario.

There are 3 or 4 nights I'm here and the storm calmed down. It's time to go. Want the boys like it or not. They are soo good for me, though it's time to leave. I can't continue to be a burden.

I got dressed and packed (wich means I shot the few things I have inside of the backpack) and prepared breakfast for me and the boys. Pancakes, orange juice, and cereals with milk, and put them on the table along with the letters that I wrote for the boys.

Yes, I do not intend to fire. I hate to go and leave a note, however, can't take no more goodbyes.

All my life that's what I did ... Said goodbye to my happiness, my friends, to my true home and also the terrible orphanage, and above all to my parents.

I don't know if anyone understands me or if anyone will understand me someday, but right now I just want to move on. Stop bye and say only "until now." Fight for what I want and try to forget the suffering I've ever spent. Remember the good times and forget the bad ones.

I took a deep breath and walked to the door.

"Emily? Where are you going? " I Hear a sleepy voice behind me

"Zayn, didn't know you were awake."

"Yeah, I'm awake... but you didn't answer me. You won't go away, right? "

Everything inside of me begged this almond eyed boy not to asked me this ...

"I'm Going, Zayn .. I'm sorry."

"Why??? We don't want you to go! Please stay! Just a few more days. "

"Because it's time to move on with my life. You've done so much for me and there is no "thank you" enough to show my huge gratitude for you. I can't stay. You say only a few more days but after a few days later, you would ask me to stay ... And as much as I didn't want to leave, I can't stay here forever "

"Yes, you can."

"No, I can't, and you know it. So now I'm gonna go, okay? "

"But .."

"I'm going to be fine. I Promise. " I grabbed his chin and looked him in his eyes.

"I know that, Emily. We love you "He hugged me

"I love you Too." I love them very much. They will always be in my mind and in my heart. "Tell them I'm sorry and this isn't goodbye. I will see you again "

"I will. Take care of you Emily Jane "he grabbed my hands, as if not to let me go. This is costing so much!!!! I hate you lifeeeeeeeeeeee!

"Always, Zayn Malik. Now, close your eyes," he closed his eyes and while my tears, which so if debated out, dusted down over my face I whispered: " Until now " and dropped him.

When he opened his eyes, I was already gone.



 Hey beautiful readers :3

This chapter is extremely short, I know!!!!! sorryyyyyy

But I wanted it to end like this and well, that's what I did. So just think about chapter 8 like... an extra :))) haha

Were you expecting her to just leave them??? I  wasn't xP Just kidding haha I'm the one who wrote it xP

I hope you like it!

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I think my readers abandoned me :cccccc

If your  reading let me know c:

I love you alllllll <3

Cláudia Monteiro <3

Walking in the rainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora