Chapter 4

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* Chapter four *

Songs I used to write this chapter:

- The Fray - heartless (love this song *-*)

- One Direction - Story of my life

- The Fray - you found me

- The Fray - how to save a life

Four months have passed... everything is exactly the same as ever.




I still wake up late... that's kind of my thing, as you probably already have noticed xP

Hum news... let me think...

I had at least 5 punishments all for the same reason ever.

Today 3 kids were adopted and yesterday 5 more came here.

I haven't slept at all...  the usual.

I sick and tired of waking up early and the nun (Maud) doesn't leave me alone. I swear she's trying to leave me crazy!

But I don't care... I'll be out of this terrible place soon.

Right now I'm sitting in the windowsill. I can see the moon shining behind the bars on my big window.

Yeah, I've got a big window, it's the only thing that I like in here. I don't like the bars. Actually I hate them! It only shows the prison that this place really is. But that piece of dirty glass happens to be my world. I can taste freedom when I look outside.

"What are you doing stupid? Thinking about the next floor you'll clean?" Greta's annoying voice fills the tinny room

"It's non of your business" I respond

"Oh poor little Emily! She's always being punished!

Oh please! I won't fall for that! Everyone thinks you're completely innocent and an angel but you're not! So go fucking cry on your parents shoulder!

Oh wait...  they're dead! And you should be too! " She spits at me and laughs exiting the room

She has no right to talk about them! I wanna slap her

I wanna curse her

I wanna... UGH!!!!

Instead of doing something I could regret later, I just wrap my arms around my knees and...  cry.

I feel like, one of my walls just fell in the ground and it's broken in million pieces. I hate it!

I'm so weak...

I just don't have nothing to fight about... nothing to keep me strong anymore...

I eventually feel asleep against the cold hard window.

It's 6:30 a.m.

For once in my life I woke up earlier than everyone else.  AWKWARD... :S

My head hurts and my face is dry because of last night tears.

I take a quick shower, dry my hair, get dressed and next I went to Melanie's room.

"Oh god are you ok?!" Melanie asks

"Of course, why?"

" 'Cause you're up and, before time" She mocks me

Walking in the rainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora