The Day in Paris

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I woke up feeling exhausted. The lads and I have had a great time on the tour so far, but its really tiring. It's really exciting to get to see so many different places. Today we're doing our show in Paris. Right now, we're in a 5-star hotel close to many great landmarks and famous shops.

Suddenly, Zayn barged into my room with his shirt half on and his belt unbuckled so his pants looked as if they'd fall down anytime. His hair was extremely messy and out of place.

"HARRY!!! What are you doing?!? We're late for our rehersal!!!" he shouted. I looked at my phone. The time was 10:25am.

"OH SHIT!" I said.

We were half an hour late for our rehearsal that was before the show. I quickly put on my white v-neck and jacket and hopped into my skinny jeans. I didnt even notice that I was naked in front of Zayn, but I guess it was okay since we're all friends here.
I went to the other lads rooms and shook them all awake. They all got ready once they found out we were late. Eventually we all got to the arena for rehearsal. Luckily, we realized that we were having rehearsal at 2:30pm so that was a relief.

"Ah shit, they couldn't have told us sooner!" Niall groaned.

"I barely got to shower this morning..." said Zayn crossing his arms.

"Are you kidding me? I almost used a razor to brush my teeth this morning, a razor!" Liam shouted.

Louis was the only one who wasn't complaining. He was just watching us with his bright blue eyes, arms folded, and then looked down at his white toms. He adjusted his jacket collar and pulled his shirt down. Why is he so calm?

"Look guys, why don't we just head out and look around the city? We're in Paris for hell's sake!" I said smiling trying to lighten the mood.

"What do you think Louis?" I asked him hoping he'd help me out here.

"Yeah sure, sounds fun, right lads?" he said smiling softly and looking at us all.

"I guess so," Said Liam shrugging his shoulders. "But that means I'm driving,"

Nobody objected to this.

We drove all around the city, seeing many shops, cafes, visiting some landmarks, and even showing off my French to some fans. I taught the boys how to speak some french, but little did they now I was teaching them insults. I guess you could say "I got zem good"
All we had to do last was to visit the Eiffel Tower.

For some reason, just the thought of seeing the Eiffel Tower made me ecstatic and excited. It was such a major landmark, practically the trademark of Paris. It's obviously a pretty romantic spot too.

"Harry! C'mon we're leaving now!" said the lads.

"Yea yea, im comin'!

We arrived at the Eiffel Tower in a fair 20 minutes. When we finally got there, we went to a building next to it and went to the top so we could actually see the entire tower.

The view was just absolutely beautiful, seeing all the lights and then the actual tower gleaming in the golden sunset, it was just-

"Pretty breath-taking huh?" said Louis cutting off my thoughts. The other boys seemed to disappear off into some other world. Strange.

"Yea, I think this might be my new favorite country" I said chuckling putting my hands into my pockets.

Louis laughed loudly and I looked into his brilliant blue eyes as he took a step closer to me. For some reason, we were all alone now, it was like nobody had even been here before.

"Harry?" he asked me.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"You're doing fine right? I mean you and I, and the lads, we all get along right?" He asked, nervously looking up and down constantly. I could also see him fidgeting with his hands, did something happen to him?

"Why are you asking?"

"Just curious,"

"Well yeah of course we do, you guys are my best friends, and I mean that," I really did mean that, these four boys have been there with me all the way, they were already my brothers. What bothered me was that Louis was obviously not okay.

"But what if I told you that some of us get along with each other more than the others ?" he said.

"What?" This was surprising news, did Louis and one of the boys get into a fight? Did anyone get hurt?

"What are you saying Lou?"

"I'm saying...that well, um.." he was stuttering like crazy.

"Louis are you okay? Here just sit down," I motioned to a small bench by a painting of some crisp white roses and daisies.

"Thanks..." he said.

"Harry, it's just that, it's not that I don't get along with the other lads..i get along with some more than the others.."

"Who Lou?" I ask him, looking into his eyes which were filled with distress now.

"Y-y-you, You Harry, I just like you like a lot," he said to me. It seemed like he was about to burst into tears any minute now. Before he could start crying, I quickly pulled him close to me in a tight hug. He started sobbing softly on my shoulder,

"Lou, why are you crying? It's okay, it's alright," I tried to reassure him.

"I-I-it's because I'm a f-fag, I'm a worthless faggot boy" he said, sobbing even harder now.

"Louis no you're not a fag, you're wonderful and beautiful and you look like a prince, and I'll still love you," I said to him. I do love him don't I? He is one of the best people I've ever met in my life, so I do realize now, yes I do love him. I love him, and I won't let anything happen to him.

"Louis, you have nothing to worry about, because I love you too,"

"H-Harry I," he stuttered again starting to smile as he let go of me, but before he could say another I leaned in and kissed him. I took his face in my hand and kept kissing him, he did the same.

"You really love me?" He asked me in between breaths.

"I do," I reply to him slightly nodding before kissing him again.

"Then thank you, and I love you," he told me.

I knew how I felt now, I love Louis, nothing can stop that, and nothing can come between us. I love him, and won't let anything happen to him.

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