Chapter 2

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Suddenly there was an earthquake. I could feel the trembling and shaking of the ground as it crumbled apart. I was falling through the cracks. I looked up and saw Louis with Eleanor. "Lou! no!" I shouted but all he did was walk away laughing and holding Eleanor's hand. I couldn't believe it. The one I loved had just abandoned me completely. I fell to my knees and sobbed harder than ever in my whole life.

Beep! Beep! Beep

"My alarm!" I suddenly realized.

I woke up to hear the quite loud noises from my phone. I quickly turned it off and realized that there was no earthquake, and I was sitting in my hotel room bed for real this time.

It was all a dream. louis, Paris, the kiss....just a figment of my bloody imagination....

If I kept sitting there dumbfounded like an idiot, I was really going to be late for rehearsal this time. Then Louis came into my room.

"Hazza, what are you doing? We've gotta get to the arena, it's our first rehearsal in paris!"

So we were in Paris.

"Yea I'll be there Lou just gimme a minute,"

"You didn't forget about our date later did you?"

"What date?!?"

"Remember? You and Kendall, and me and El,"

I could have sworn that I heard despair in his voice when he said him and El. Then I remembered that we did make plans to see Paris together with El and Kendall Jenner. I don't even know why I was with her in the first place, she's too simple, always the same old same old "Kendall Jenner".

"Okay lou just lemme get ready okay?"

"Okay," he replies.

He leaves the room while I put on my clothes. I think back to the dream, "why did I say what I said? Could I really like Lou more as my best friend?"

"Harry! you coming lad?" he shouted to me.

"I said I'm coming alright!"

I rushed downstairs and found the other lads in the lobby.

"C'mon now, don't want to be late!" liam said. "Are you alright Harry? you look a bit shaken up, did you get any sleep last night?"

"Yea yea everything's fine."

"That's a lie and you know it." Said a little voice in my head.

"you know you have feelings for lou and you can't deny them"

"I know I know," I thought.

But I didn't have time to think, I stepped into the car next to Lou off to our rehearsal.

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