Save me- Jimin

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"Jimin?"you call, fumbling in the dark,"Baby I'm scared where are you?"

A rustle of leaves comes from your right, you rush through the trees. The moon barely casting enough light to see through the dark forest.

"Y/N! Run! He's coming!"

"Jimin! Oh my god are you okay?!'

He is lying slumped against a tree, blood pouring out of his side,"Run run run! What are you waiting for?" He coughs, then hisses in pain.

You start to cry," I'm not leaving you again! I can't do this alone! You have to Save me!"

He grimaces and pushes him self up," You will never walk alone, not today."

You wipe the tears from you face,"I need you Jimin, thank you."

His hands grip your face,"Today we will survive, though blood sweat and tears."

A/N: TBH I had no plan for this chapter. I just wanted to see how many references I could get Into it.

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