I had to turn my back.

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As time went on, we both became outsiders. People turned there back on us, like we had done to them. They formed like a circle around us. And we were trapped in the middle. On our own. Once again, we got close. And, I just couldn't stay mad at him. He was like my hero. My prince. And that is so cheesy, but it's just the truth.

We were best mates. It was forget everyone else. It was me and him against the world. And for once in this time. I was happy. Happier than ever. I got the old Will back, and as the others realised this. They came back. Our old group, together again. I had my friends back, and my life was just how I wanted it.

I decided that I was going to forget her. Sounds so horrible. But, I just had to. I believed that without her, I'd have my happiness. But once again it was short lived. As, I just couldn't stay away from her. And, once again gave her a chance.

I don't even know if this is in order. I'm just telling the story as I remember each bit happening. So, if it doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. I lost them both over and over again. And I eventually realised he couldn't care less about me even more than before. Then, one day. As our school finished early we went to the park. And as we sat there, he said something. Something like, I don't want to be with her anymore. My friends mean more to me, and you lot have made me realise it. He took my phone and dialled the number. And, as he was too cowardly too hold the phone, I had to hold it. As he shouted in the background. The devastating news and the abuse.

She ended the call. And I was speechless, angry and upset. Even though, I hated the fact that she knew how much I loved him, yet still went out with him made me sort of dislike her. I was suddenly trapped between choices. Should I choose her, after just realising that I love her and that no matter what she had done to me, she didn't deserve it. Or, should I stick with my lover, my best friend. The one I adored.

I respected his decision, knowing that we had spoke about things in the past, where he had confessed to me that he had loved her. But then, I remember crying for her. Thinking about the way he had done it. Not in private, not face to face, over the phone. And, I was absoloutly gutted.

Part of me died. That part of me, just showed me something. And, I was physically hurting. But, it showed me that I loved her. And after months of sticking by him. I realised I had made the wrong choice. And as I walked away from him, I couldn't look back, because I knew that he knew exactly what I was doing. I raced to her, and hugged her, like she had been lost and I had found her. The relief of not just her, but me was amazing, And I just had a feeling, and that feeling was, I loved her. More than I loved him.

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