Chapter Five // A bomb

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So this song made me sad and made me think of Lance so I thought I'd share :') it's kind of long but I would recommend listening to it :)

-☆K E O N A☆


"Don't underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak. It's time you realize."

Lances POV

When I woke up the next morning I was worn and completely forget last nights events.

Then I saw Keith next to me and they replayed in my head.

Oh geez. I can't believe that happened! I'm so happy. Ahh! Keith looks so cute when sleeping, I cant even!

(Why do white girls prefer off numbers? Because they cANT EVEN ;) Ill leave now. Plz continue.)

I smiled because he was just so cute! His hair was a bit messy and strands fell over his face. His mouth fell open a bit and quiet snores escaped his mouth.

Also he looked so content and wasn't brooding like usual. I chucked to myself and got out of bed, congradulating myself for being awake before Keith. I took a quick shower and got dressed.

When I walked out I was surprised to find Keith still asleep. I walked out of my room and headed towards the training room. I didn't really feel up to seeing everyone at the moment.

I walked into the room and began training.

I cant do it.

I can do it.

I can do it!

For Voltron!

Be somebody that is worthy of Voltron. Worthy of Blue. Worthy of Keith!

After a few hours of training I walked into the kitchen area for breakfast. Surprisingly no one was there.

Where is everyone?

I checked the best thing we had to a clock and it read, 4:20 am. (Not sorry)

Well damn. Theres no point in going back to sleep now. I still have adrenalin  from training. Umnn.. Maybe learn more Altean?

I was using Pidge's laptop and soon It was time for people to start coming in for breakfast, but of course I didn't know that. I was too busy learning.

"What are you doing?!" I heard someone yell angrily.

I turned to see Pidge walking in with Hunk. I quickly exited out of what I was doing and shut the device.

"I-im sorry, Pidge! I needed to check something are you were asleep, and I didn't want to wake you!" I apologize.

"That doesnt give you the right! You could've waited a little while!" She yelled.

Allura came into the room along with Coran and Shiro to see what the commotion was about.

"Lance, what did you do?" She asked.


"He used my laptop without permission! You all know I need that! What if you broke it while I was asleep!?"

"But I didn't. "

"You still could've waited a bit, Lance." Interjected Shiro.

I looked down. I was sick of this. Of everything. I would have to use one of the cards up my sleeve to get there attention. To get them to notice me.


"Why do you HATE me so much?!" I screamed. At this point Keith had also joined our little merry parade.

Allura and Coran's eyes widened at my use of the language. Even Pidge. She didn't quite know what I had said, but she recognized the language.

Everyone else just stood there, shocked and confused.

"What? I don't hate you!" Allura shot back.

"Are you sure about that? You never spend time with me and 'get to know me' like you did with the others! You never let me do anything. You push me off as a dumb flirt. But that's not me. You know NOTHING about me! No one here does! No one cares! Because I'm just a seventh wheel, right?"

Tears were flowing down my face. Everyone just watched, either too shocked or scared to say anything.

"What? Lance where do you get these ideas from?! How do you know Altean in the first place?"

"Allura, I get it from YOU guys! And what do you think I do on my free time?! Sit around flirting with the mice? Not even the MICE like me! Im more than you think. Don't underestimate me, Allura. I know more than I say and I think more than I speak. It's time you realize."


I didn't hear the rest of it. I stormed off into my room, leaving everyone speechless and Allura teary eyed.

Keiths POV

After the exchange ended we all sat there for several minutes.

"What. Was that?" Pidge spoke up, "Allura that was Altean. How does Lance know Altean?!" She asked.

"I-I dont know.." Allura wiped her eyes.

"...what did he say..?" I asked even though I had a bit of an idea.

"U-umnn. I think we need to connect our minds again. Make sure we are not missing anything. We will put Lance in a special one. We will go through his brain. To figure him out. This will help us out. All of us. It will be similar to a hallway. Doors will be there revealing his memories and thoughts. We can do it as soon as       p-possible...." Allura told the paladins all the while looking down.

"I don't think you will like what we find there. You guys Im sorry." I told the others and walked away.

Shiros POV

"Princess, what does Keith mean?"

"I don't know, Shiro..."

"What did Lance say?" Asked Hunk. He was shaking.



"I-im sorry!" She yelled and ran away.

"Hunk, Pidge. We'll figure it out. We always do." I told them. Pidge started crying and I gave her a hug.

"I-im sorry, Shiro! This is all of my fault! If only I hadn't made such a big deal. It was o-only a computer!" She sobbed.

"No. No, Pidge. It wasn't your fault! Lance just. Needed to get things off of his chest.." I comforted her.

But even I couldn't helo but feel a bit anxious.

What will we find in Lance's brain?

Lances POV

I sat in my room and remembered something my older sister, Bianca had told me,

"Hermanito, you are like a bomb. Waiting to explode."

I am like a bomb waiting to explode.

A bomb.

I need help Im listening to the same song over and and oveR AGAIN.

ANYWAAAAys. Sorry for this really cringey chapter but I haven't been able to write recently so I will be off schedule for a bit Im sorry

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