The Seeradhwajs

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Mrs Seeradhwaj peeped into her daughter's room to wake her up and was surprised to see her sitting all ready in her bed her trunk and handbag lying besides her all packed. She was to leave to the boarding school today and she seemed to be very excited about it thinking thus Mrs Seeradhwaj smiled to herself and stepped in the room. She went forward and sat besides her daughter "All ready?" She asked. "Yes mother" replied little Mithili a 13 years old girl smiling brightly. "Come then we'll have breakfast and leave a bit earlier who knows you can make friends with someone on your very first day itself then." Mithili was excited at this thought of course she was excited to go to a boarding school where her parents said she would learn a lot more things other than academics like adjusting with others, seizing people knowing the good and bad in them etc... But she was sad as she had to leave her parents, her little sister Urmi, her home, her pets, those roses in the garden etc etc... behind. But now the thought of making new friends made her smile. She shook those thoughts out of her mind and made her way to the dining table along with her mother. "Call your dad and uncle to have breakfast" Said Mrs Seeradhwaj while arranging everything in the table. Has uncle come? Mithili asked and ran to meet him smiling widely without waiting for an answer.


Hello guys so how was this chapter? Let me know ur cmnts and suggestions without hesitation I know It's too short but It's just the first chapter. I promise the upcoming chapters will be longer. By now you would have guessed Who Mr Seeradhwaj is ryt? But who is this uncle? Well, I can assure you that it is not her Chote Pitaji. Then who is that? Any guesses...? Then what are you waiting for cmnt the answer below. Let's see who guesses it ryt. And of course if you have a better suggestion for title please feel free to comment that too

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