Off we go...

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In the garden Mr Seeradhwaj was talking to someone. He paused  and both of them smiled as they heard the sound of anklets approaching them. Look your dear Mithili is here said Mr Seeradhwaj  to his friend. Of course she is a dear to me even if you don't mention it. She will always be said his friend. Yes yes I know She's dearer to you more than me right? asked Mr Seeradhwaj laughing. Mithili came in "Ayodhyesh Uncle!" She cried and went near him. "Come come Oh so you got ready already? Mithil nodded a yes. But your Dad told me that you were not ready yet? I got ready myself after all I'll have to when I'm in school na? There won't be anybody to help me then. " Well, I shouldn't  think so" Said  Ayodhyesh. What do you mean uncle? Asked Mithili confused. Now it was Ayodhyesh's turn to look confused. Seeradhwaj didn't you tell her? He asked his friend. "No, not yet I thought I would surprise her after reaching there he replied. Surprise?! Please...Please do tell me you know how much I hate suspense don't you papa? pleaded Mithili. But she knew that her father won't give in that easily so she went to  Ayodhyesh Uncle please at least you tell me what it is all about na please...?  she asked. "I really wish I can dear but sorry I don't want to spoil your dad's surprise " He said Mrs Seeradhwaj who had lost her patience long ago waiting for the trio came to the garden just then and called them showing fake sternness in tone. "So you won't tell right? ok then I won't talk to you either" Said Mithili and left in anger. What is she angry for? Mrs Seeradhwaj asked Ayodhyesh. He told her the reason. Oh I see so How are you going to cool her down She asked laughing. He just smiled and they left to have breakfast. Mithili was still angry. While Mr and Mrs Seeradhwaj exchanged glances not knowing what Ayodhyesh is up to he initiated a conversation. Mithili Have you packed everything dear? He asked. There was no answer.  Are you excited about going to new school? He tried again. But this time too he was unsuccessful. He tried again and again but nothing worked. Ayodhyesh just smiled secretly to himself and smirked at Mr Seeradhwaj. Mr seeradhwaj who knew that his friend has got a plan up his sleeve smiled back and waited curiously to know what was going to happen next and was  surprised when his friend addressed him instead of his daughter. Do you think you'll  have place for one more person in your car Seeradhwaj? he asked . Mithili's face lit up as she heard these words. Uncle are you gonna come with us? Do say yes please... She pleaded with her dearest uncle.  Yes my dear I thought I would come with you but... But what interrupted an impatient Mithili before he could complete his sentence. How can I come  if my dear Mithili is still angry with me? He asked with a most convincing look on his face  but only his friend could recognize the mischievous glint in his eyes. suddenly it occurred to Mr Seeradhwaj that his friend had succeeded in his attempt to cool down his angry daughter. He noticed that the two were talking like anything now. After finishing breakfast Mithili went down the steps two at a time carrying her handbag. Behind her came Mrs Seeradhwaj carrying a picnic basket in her hands. It was a seven hour journey to her daughter's new school and the family decided that it was best to have a picnic style lunch instead of going to a hotel or a restaurant. Mithili too agreed willingly because she knew  she won't be getting any of her mom's homemade recipes until at least the school's half term which will be sometime in the last two weeks of october. Then came Mr Ayodhyesh pulling Mithili's trunk behind him  . Finally came Mr Seeradhwaj holding his daughter's sports bag and the car key They had decided to leave little Urmi with her aunt Chandra because she won't let them leave Mithili behind when it's time to come back from the school in the evening.  Together Mr Seeradhwaj and Mr Ayodhyesh managed to load the heavy trunk into the car and Mr Seeradhwaj started the car and from  there started the exciting journey to the boarding school.

Hey guys Thank you for taking your time to read this book ( If you are new here plz... check out the full book description to know what it is all about and make sure to read the 1st chapter too) I know this chapter was not so good I'm so sorry for that. 

So here is the question for this chapter What do you think that surprise is? Comment your answer below.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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