It's Worth It

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A/N This is my first story ever. It is basically just me in South Park :) Falling in love with my favorite character. So yeah, enjoy! All characters to the creators of South Park!

I kicked a rock down the sidewalk as I walked. The snowy pine trees shook in the wind on both sides of me and my frown turned into a smile when I finally saw the bus top. ?It was my first day at a new school, and boy was I more nervous than ever. I arrived at the bus stop around fifteen minutes early so I would have to wait. My pink puff ball hat's strings swayed in the wind and even through my blue jacket, I shivered. Sitting down on the ground, I looked to my left to notice four bodies approaching me at a slow pace. Muffled voices filled the silence. Not wanting to draw any attention, I just took out my book and started to read. "Who is that?" someone asked. I finally looked up to come face to face with a boy wearing a green ushanka. The other three boys behind him had their eyebrows raised. "Hi, I'm Rachel," I said nervously. The boy smiled a little, "I'm Kyle, nice to meet you." Another boy came forward and each of them ended up telling me their names: Kyle, Stan, Eric, and Kenny. The only thing I noticed was that Eric was called Cartman. Each of the boys had their own special look and a hat like me. Stan had a blue and red hat; Kenny wore an orange parka, Kyle wore a lime green ushanka, and Cartman had an aqua blue and yellow hat. Mine was nothing special, just a pink hat with a purple strip forming a circle around the top. It also had long knitted strings hanging off the end of both sides and had a purple puff ball on top.

The bell rang, announcing the end of the day. It had been interesting to say the least. None of the girls liked me, nor did any of the boys but the four I met at the bus stop. In fact, Kyle had asked me over to do homework and I gladly accepted. His house was regular sized and inside smelled like candles "Come on upstairs to my room, we can do our math and stuff." I sat on his floor and he sat next to me, smiling as usual. "Okay, so I have a question, why are you so shy? You made zero friends today," he asked with a furrowed brow.

"Wow, sorry. I thought I was your friend. Guess not, though. So, I'll take my leave."

"Don't go! In fact, you are my friend. Sorry, hey you know what? I don't want you sitting alone tomorrow at lunch. Sit with the guys, they all really like you."

I smiled a little. Guy friends? Well, I always was a bit of a tomboy. Hmm, seems nice. Kyle stared at me for a second then grabbed my hat and took it off my head. "Hey!" I yelled as my brown ponytail hung loosely. He then took his hat off, revealing a full head of bright red hair. I almost laughed, but he smirked and put his hat on my head, then mine on his. The pink hat caused some hair to stick to his forehead and I chuckled. "Pink suits you, Kyle."

"Green looks good on you; I didn't know you had brown hair."

"I didn't know you had red hair, oh, and pink makes your eyes pop."

Kyle began to smirk and switched our hats back. He got up, unfolding his legs, and walked over to the computer on his desk. "I think I have to write a nice Facebook post about you." The words shocked me at first. But, then I smiled and strutted over, leaning onto the desk where he sat. I read what he wrote. This new girl named Rachel is super nice. She's sitting with us at lunch tomorrow guys, just so you know! He hit post and looked over at me, his face completely void of expression. Kyle just stared at my eyes then looked at the ground and a tiny hint of red formed on his face. Did he just blush? Whoa, oh no, no he couldn't right? A voice interrupted my thoughts. "Kyle, honey, it's time to go to soccer practice! Tell your girlfriend to go home!" Kyle's blush deepened. I picked up my bag, that wasn't even touched, and waved goodbye as he sat at his desk.

It was about five when I went for a walk to cool off. Of course, as soon as I got in the door, my parents attacked me about not being friends with just boys. "You need girlfriends! You look like an idiot!" They both screamed for about ten minutes before I left. A little house caught my eye. It was run down and broken, looking like a tornado had damaged it recently. But, obviously the residents were just poor. I heard screaming and the smashing of glass before a boy came running out. He sat at the end of the street, mumbling underneath his orange parka that didn't allow him to be heard. Kyle told that Kenny never shows his face and the group only saw it three times in their whole lives. I was amazed at the story and felt a bit of curiosity for Kenny. The boy sat near the road, his back shaking and low sobs filling the evening air. "Kenny?" I whispered. The boy looked over at me. His mouth was covered, as well as most of his face, but I could see his blue eyes spilling tears that ran down his face until it hit his jacket. "Mph," was all I heard him say in reply.

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