Junior Detectives

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Of course, I considered the possibility of the question mark meaning "Where am I?" or "Can you find me?" But a large part of me was pulled towards the idea of the symbol meaning something deeper, more insidious, even. Kenny hadn't shown any sign of being malicious when I was with him, and he even seemed to be intent on showing off his powers to me. Now, I had to consider the fact that he is being controlled against his will; which is, in other words, called possession.

The possibilities piled up as tall as Mt. Everest, and I didn't even have a safety rope. So, I stood up, and drew on Tweek's wall with a crayon. He needed new decorations and currently his house was out of paper. After this ordeal is over, I'd be happy to paint over my red marker map. And as I began drawing in the small corner of the room, making a diamond with four strange moments between Kenny and I and above the diamond were lines connected to each of its points, and at the end of the lines I wrote his known powers.

The first was that Kenny hadn't ever talked about his powers after the day at the park. He seemed to be actually quiet after that, as if Death was angry at him for showing someone his very special secret. Second, was his eyes glowed more often, and stayed the gold color for longer. Any hint of a strong emotion got his eyes going, whenever we were kissing or that time in class the teacher laughed at his torn up pants. The third was interesting. He showed an incredible amount of strength, being able to pull his father off me and actually life his whole body in the air before slamming the man down onto the floor. I wrote a note beside this one: "Anger is overpowering." Number four seemed like a long time ago, when we crashed the car and he died. "Penetration of multiple shards of glass," was written on his document that Kyle had secretly read before he forgot Kenny had died.

Now for the four known powers: strength, fire starting, telekinesis (lifting Craig up and throwing him), and immortality.

Each power was then connected with more lines, creating an oddly shaped circle around the diamond. At the top of the formation, I put a large question mark with the word meaning below it. That's when Tweek walked in, and dropped his cup of coffee from my wall-violation. Craig followed close behind him, stepping over the broken glass to come sit next to me.

"Doing some detective work, Officer Rachel?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes and a rookie like you doesn't need to interfere with my police work," I muttered, putting the cap on the strong smelling sharpie.

Craig grabbed my hand and twirled a lock of my brown hair. "No need to be so harsh, I just need to know why this mark on my stomach hasn't healed over the week we've been searching around town for your murderous boyfriend, whom has killed around three people already."

I nodded and pushed him away. That's right. He had killed three people, including his father. The second was a British exchange student named Pip, he had three stab wounds to the chest. When the police came to investigate the scene, they noticed a large question mark on the ceiling written in blood (of course, way to keep classy, Kenny). There was also a number next to the mark: six. The other victim's name was Damien, and he was found hanging in an attic with a rope tied around his neck. Officer Barbrady found three stab wounds on each of the boy's legs, plus in his back, showing signs of obvious struggle. Without these wounds, his death would be a suicide. But, there was also a question mark on the boy's forehead written in, again, blood. Next to the mark was, again, a six. Oddly, Damien's body disappeared a mere seven hours after it was taken into the morgue. The police suspected this "serial killer" took him as a trophy. This serial killer also did something at the entrance of the forest. He put a question mark on all the trees in the front line and wrote a six on one.

I bit my bottom lip as I stared at the wall blankly. "Three sixes," I uttered. Then, I laughed and stood up, laughing as I uncapped my marker. Craig and Tweek sat beneath me and listened.

"That bastard played a little game with us. He wanted to get a good laugh. Sick, twisted bastard!" I drew on the wall again, with a new sense of urgency. "You see, he left us clues with his new murders, clues that meant nothing, just three numbers that brings the word devil to mind. The police officers didn't understand any of this because they thought the murder is some weird devil worship murderer with an unhealthy obsession with question marks. They obviously didn't dig further into it. Maybe they sent a letter to Damien's mother without even noticing? I bet the idiots didn't even realize!" I stopped drawing the trees and began drawing a square in the empty space. "Ha! That's where the little freak is hiding! God, this isn't my boyfriend so I'm allowed to call him whatever I want, okay? Listen, where does Damien live? Oh, I forgot, in the woods. What's the number of his house?" I finished drawing the small cabin and looked at Craig and Tweek, sitting on the floor with their eyes wide.

"Six sixty-six," they both said in unison. The two boys glanced at each other and clapped in my direction.

"Brilliant!" Craig crooned. Tweek whistled in reply and laughed.

"But, that's not it," I alleged. "We need him to murder one more person, that's it. I need to see what he writes next. If it's a random number, we could be completely wrong in this assumption. And I bet that if Kenny is in the woods, he'll kill us as soon as we step a foot in there. Damien's mother and father left after Damien died out of fear of the serial killer, otherwise known as Kenny, coming for the two victim's parents next. They scrammed to save their own butts. And now we have to wait to go in there and pull him out. For each victim there are three deep stab wounds in various places in the body, and my guess is it's a knife or something else. If we were smart, we would go and try to investigate the British boy's body to see what kind of wounds they are and from there we decide the weapon."

Craig jumped up, "You want to look at his body to find out the weapon? No way, I'm not doing that, I've seen enough of this Kenny case. Dude, why do we care about what he used to stab them?"

Tweek shuttered on the ground, bringing his knees up to his chest before speaking. "Craig, it might help us find out more about his possessor. It's a good idea."

Okay, I thought to convince the most skittish and jumpy boy in school to sneak into a morgue, I would need some chloroform, because no way was he going in there. But, now, I could get all three of us to go in there and have our own opinions about the weapon used. This is idea is ingenious and dangerous. But, with my Craig and Tweek, nothing is impossible.

Now all we have to do is find a way in to the morgue.

A/N: Oh god! Going into a morgue, young investigators, what are you thinking? Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will continue soon! School does start September 2nd and I'm super nervous so sorry if this chapter is a little shaky compared to the others. I do have to thank the amazing @lovethearts (go check her stories out!) for editing the cover of It's Worth it. I really love it, Cat (my phone hasn't been working very good lately and i'm sorry if you have text me or tried contacting me, because i've been having to go on instagram using my mom's phone :/ I did fix it to the point of getting it to work and it might have some water damage! So text me soon!) Also, my other friend, @swimming_upstream got a wattpad. Go check her out as well, please! Anyways, thank you for reading, and i would like to say that i just recently watched Death Note and cannot get over the ending! So sad! (i've also watched Attack on Titan and started Black Butler, I reccomend both!)

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